AlgebraicDataflowArchitectureModel / AlgebraicDataflowArchitectureModel / src / algorithms /
package algorithms;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import code.ast.CodeUtil;
import code.ast.CompilationUnit;
import code.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import code.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import code.ast.VariableDeclaration;
import models.Edge;
import models.Node;
import models.algebra.Expression;
import models.algebra.InvalidMessage;
import models.algebra.ParameterizedIdentifierIsFutureWork;
import models.algebra.Term;
import models.algebra.Type;
import models.algebra.UnificationFailed;
import models.algebra.ValueUndefined;
import models.dataConstraintModel.ChannelGenerator;
import models.dataConstraintModel.ChannelMember;
import models.dataConstraintModel.DataConstraintModel;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataFlowModel;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataflowChannelGenerator;
import models.dataFlowModel.PushPullAttribute;
import models.dataFlowModel.PushPullValue;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResolvingMultipleDefinitionIsFutureWork;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResourceDependency;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResourceDependencyGraph;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResourceNode;
import models.dataFlowModel.StoreAttribute;

public class JerseyMethodBodyGenerator {
	private static String baseURL = "http://localhost:8080";

	public static ArrayList<CompilationUnit> doGenerate(ResourceDependencyGraph graph, DataFlowModel model, ArrayList<CompilationUnit> codes) {
		// Create a map from type names (lower case) to their types.
		Map<String, TypeDeclaration> typeMap = new HashMap<>();
		for (CompilationUnit code: codes) {
			for (TypeDeclaration type: code.types()) {
				typeMap.put(type.getTypeName().substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + type.getTypeName().substring(1), type);
		// Generate the body of each update or getter method.
		try {
			Set<MethodDeclaration> chainedCalls = new HashSet<>();
			for (Edge e: graph.getEdges()) {
				ResourceDependency d = (ResourceDependency) e;
				PushPullAttribute pushPull = (PushPullAttribute) d.getAttribute();
				ResourceNode src = (ResourceNode) d.getSource();
				ResourceNode dst = (ResourceNode) d.getDestination();
				String srcResourceName = src.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName();
				String dstResourceName = dst.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName();
				TypeDeclaration srcType = typeMap.get(srcResourceName);
				TypeDeclaration dstType = typeMap.get(dstResourceName);
				for (ChannelMember out: d.getChannelGenerator().getOutputChannelMembers()) {
					if (out.getIdentifierTemplate() == dst.getIdentifierTemplate()) {
						if (pushPull.getOptions().get(0) == PushPullValue.PUSH && srcType != null) {
							// for push data transfer
							MethodDeclaration update = getUpdateMethod(dstType, srcType);
							if (((StoreAttribute) dst.getAttribute()).isStored()) {
								// update stored state of dst resource (when every incoming edge is in push style)
								Expression updateExp = d.getChannelGenerator().deriveUpdateExpressionOf(out, JerseyCodeGenerator.pushAccessor);
								String[] sideEffects = new String[] {""};
								String curState = updateExp.toImplementation(sideEffects);
								String updateStatement;
								if (updateExp instanceof Term && ((Term) updateExp).getSymbol().isImplWithSideEffect()) {
									updateStatement = sideEffects[0];								
								} else {
									updateStatement = sideEffects[0] + dstResourceName + " = " + curState + ";";
								if (update.getBody() == null || !update.getBody().getStatements().contains(updateStatement)) {
							if (dst.getIndegree() > 1) {
								// update a cash of src resource (when incoming edges are multiple)
								String cashStatement = "this." + srcResourceName + " = " + srcResourceName + ";";
								if (update.getBody() == null || !update.getBody().getStatements().contains(cashStatement)) {
							// to convert a json param to a tuple object.
							for (VariableDeclaration param: update.getParameters()) {
								Type paramType = param.getType();
								String paramName = param.getName();
								String paramConverter = "";
								if (DataConstraintModel.typeList.isAncestorOf(paramType) && paramType != DataConstraintModel.typeList) {
									Type compType = TypeInference.getListComponentType(paramType);
									if (DataConstraintModel.typeTuple.isAncestorOf(compType)) {
										param.setName(paramName + "_json");
										paramConverter += paramType.getInterfaceTypeName() + " " + paramName + " = new " + paramType.getImplementationTypeName() + "();\n";
										paramConverter += "for (String str: " + param.getName() + ") {\n";
										String mapTypeName = convertFromEntryToMapType(compType);
										paramConverter += "\t" + mapTypeName + " i = new ObjectMapper().readValue(str, HashMap.class);\n";
										paramConverter += "\t" + paramName + ".add(" + getCodeForConversionFromMapToTuple(compType, "i") + ");\n";
										paramConverter += "}";
								} else if (DataConstraintModel.typeTuple.isAncestorOf(paramType)) {
									param.setName(paramName + "_json");
									paramConverter += "{\n";
									String mapTypeName = convertFromEntryToMapType(paramType);
									paramConverter += "\t" + mapTypeName + " i = new ObjectMapper().readValue(" + paramName + "_json" + ", HashMap.class);\n";
									paramConverter += "\t" + paramName + " = " + getCodeForConversionFromMapToTuple(paramType, "i") + ";\n";
									paramConverter += "}";
								if (paramConverter.length() > 0) update.addFirstStatement(paramConverter);
							MethodDeclaration getter = getGetterMethod(dstType);
							if (((StoreAttribute) dst.getAttribute()).isStored()) {
								// returns the state stored in a field.
								if (getter.getBody() == null || getter.getBody().getStatements().size() == 0) {
									getter.addStatement("return " + dstResourceName + ";");
							// src side (for a chain of update method invocations)
							String httpMethod = null;
							if (((StoreAttribute) dst.getAttribute()).isStored()) {
								httpMethod = "post";
							} else {
								httpMethod = "put";									
							for (MethodDeclaration srcUpdate: getUpdateMethods(srcType)) {
								if (srcUpdate != null) {
									String srcResName = null;
									if (dst.getIndegree() > 1) {
										srcResName = srcResourceName;
									if (!chainedCalls.contains(srcUpdate)) {
										srcUpdate.addStatement(getHttpMethodParamsStatement(srcType.getTypeName(), src.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType(), srcResourceName));
										srcUpdate.addStatement("String result = " + getHttpMethodCallStatement(baseURL, dstResourceName, srcResName, httpMethod));
									} else {
										srcUpdate.addStatement("result = " + getHttpMethodCallStatement(baseURL, dstResourceName, srcResName, httpMethod));
							MethodDeclaration srcInput = getInputMethod(srcType, src, model);
							if (srcInput != null) {
								String srcResName = null;
								if (dst.getIndegree() > 1) {
									srcResName = srcResourceName;
								if (!chainedCalls.contains(srcInput)) {
									srcInput.addStatement(getHttpMethodParamsStatement(srcType.getTypeName(), src.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType(), srcResourceName));
									srcInput.addStatement("String result = " + getHttpMethodCallStatement(baseURL, dstResourceName, srcResName, httpMethod));
								} else {
									srcInput.addStatement("result = " + getHttpMethodCallStatement(baseURL, dstResourceName, srcResName, httpMethod));
						} else {
							// for pull (or push/pull) data transfer
							MethodDeclaration getter = getGetterMethod(dstType);
							if (getter.getBody() == null || getter.getBody().getStatements().size() == 0) {
								String[] sideEffects = new String[] {""};
								String curState = d.getChannelGenerator().deriveUpdateExpressionOf(out, JerseyCodeGenerator.pullAccessor).toImplementation(sideEffects);
								getter.addStatement(sideEffects[0] + "return " + curState + ";");
							// get src side resource state by pull data transfer.
							String varName = new String(srcResourceName);
							Type srcResourceType = src.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType();
							String respTypeName = srcResourceType.getInterfaceTypeName();
							String respConverter = "";
							if (DataConstraintModel.typeList.isAncestorOf(srcResourceType) && srcResourceType != DataConstraintModel.typeList) {
								Type compType = TypeInference.getListComponentType(srcResourceType);
								if (DataConstraintModel.typeTuple.isAncestorOf(compType)) {
									varName += "_json";
									String mapTypeName = convertFromEntryToMapType(compType);
									respTypeName = "List<" + mapTypeName + ">";
									respConverter += srcResourceType.getInterfaceTypeName() + " " + srcResourceName + " = new " + srcResourceType.getImplementationTypeName() + "();\n";
									respConverter += "for (" + mapTypeName + " i: " + varName + ") {\n";
									respConverter += "\t" + srcResourceName + ".add(" + getCodeForConversionFromMapToTuple(compType, "i") + ");\n";
									respConverter += "}";
							} else if (DataConstraintModel.typeTuple.isAncestorOf(srcResourceType)) {
								varName += "_json";
								respTypeName = convertFromEntryToMapType(srcResourceType);
								respConverter += srcResourceName + " = " + getCodeForConversionFromMapToTuple(srcResourceType, varName) + ";";
							if (respConverter.length() > 0) {
							getter.addFirstStatement(respTypeName + " " + varName + " = " + getHttpMethodCallStatementWithResponse(baseURL, srcResourceName, "get", srcResourceType.getImplementationTypeName()));
			// for source nodes
			for (Node n: graph.getNodes()) {
				ResourceNode resource = (ResourceNode) n;
				String resourceName = resource.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName();
				TypeDeclaration type = typeMap.get(resourceName);
				if (type != null) {
					// getter method
					MethodDeclaration getter = getGetterMethod(type);
					if (getter.getBody() == null || getter.getBody().getStatements().size() == 0) {
						getter.addStatement("return " + resource.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName() + ";");
					// methods for input events
					Map.Entry<DataflowChannelGenerator, ChannelMember> ioChannelAndMember = getIOChannelAndMember(resource, model);
					if (ioChannelAndMember != null) {
						ChannelMember out = ioChannelAndMember.getValue();
						Term message = (Term) out.getStateTransition().getMessageExpression();
						MethodDeclaration input = getMethod(type, message.getSymbol().getName());
						if (input != null) {
							Expression updateExp = ioChannelAndMember.getKey().deriveUpdateExpressionOf(out, JerseyCodeGenerator.pushAccessor);
							String[] sideEffects = new String[] {""};
							String newState = updateExp.toImplementation(sideEffects);
							String updateStatement;
							if (updateExp instanceof Term && ((Term) updateExp).getSymbol().isImplWithSideEffect()) {
								updateStatement = sideEffects[0];								
							} else {
								updateStatement = sideEffects[0] + "this." + resourceName + " = " + newState + ";";
							if (input.getBody() == null || !input.getBody().getStatements().contains(updateStatement)) {
		} catch (ParameterizedIdentifierIsFutureWork | ResolvingMultipleDefinitionIsFutureWork
				| InvalidMessage | UnificationFailed | ValueUndefined e1) {
		return codes;

	private static String convertFromEntryToMapType(Type type) {
		String mapTypeName = type.getInterfaceTypeName();
		mapTypeName = mapTypeName.replace("Map.Entry", "Map");
		for (int idx = mapTypeName.indexOf("<", 0); idx >= 0; idx = mapTypeName.indexOf("<", idx + 1)) {
			int to = mapTypeName.indexOf(",", idx);
			if (to > idx) {
				mapTypeName = mapTypeName.substring(0, idx + 1) + "String" + mapTypeName.substring(to);		// All elements except for the last one have the string type.
		return mapTypeName;

	private static String getCodeForConversionFromMapToTuple(Type tupleType, String mapVar) {
		String decoded = "$x";
		List<Type> elementsTypes = TypeInference.getTupleComponentTypes(tupleType);
		String elementBase = mapVar;
		for (Type elmType: elementsTypes.subList(0, elementsTypes.size() - 1)) {
			elementBase += ".entrySet().iterator().next()";
			if (elmType == DataConstraintModel.typeBoolean) {
				decoded = decoded.replace("$x", "new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(Boolean.parseBoolean(" + elementBase + ".getKey()), $x)");
			} else if (elmType == DataConstraintModel.typeInt) {
				decoded = decoded.replace("$x", "new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(Integer.parseInt(" + elementBase + ".getKey()), $x)");
			} else if (elmType == DataConstraintModel.typeLong) {
				decoded = decoded.replace("$x", "new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(Long.parseLong(" + elementBase + ".getKey()), $x)");
			} else if (elmType == DataConstraintModel.typeFloat) {
				decoded = decoded.replace("$x", "new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(Float.parseFloat(" + elementBase + ".getKey()), $x)");
			} else if (elmType == DataConstraintModel.typeDouble) {
				decoded = decoded.replace("$x", "new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(Double.parseDouble(" + elementBase + ".getKey()), $x)");
			} else if (elmType == DataConstraintModel.typeString) {
				decoded = decoded.replace("$x", "new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(" + elementBase + ".getKey(), $x)");
			} else {
				// To do.
			elementBase += ".getValue()";
		decoded = decoded.replace("$x", elementBase);
		return decoded;

	private static String getHttpMethodParamsStatement(String callerResourceName, Type paramType, String paramName) {
		if (DataConstraintModel.typeList.isAncestorOf(paramType)) {
			Type compType = TypeInference.getListComponentType(paramType);
			String statements = "Form form = new Form();\n";
			String wrapperType = DataConstraintModel.getWrapperType(compType);
			if (wrapperType == null) {
				statements += "for (" + compType.getInterfaceTypeName() + " i: " + paramName + ") {\n";
			} else {
				statements += "for (" + wrapperType + " i: " + paramName + ") {\n";
			if (DataConstraintModel.typeTuple.isAncestorOf(compType) || DataConstraintModel.typeList.isAncestorOf(compType)) {
				statements += "\tform.param(\"" + paramName + "\", new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(i));\n";				
			} else {
				statements += "\tform.param(\"" + paramName + "\", i.toString());\n";
			statements += "}\n";
			statements += "Entity<Form> entity = Entity.entity(form, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED);";
			return statements;
//			return "Entity<String> entity = Entity.entity(" + paramName + ".toString(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);";
		return "Entity<Form> entity = Entity.entity(new Form().param(\"" + paramName + "\", " + CodeUtil.getToStringExp(paramType.getImplementationTypeName(), paramName) + "), MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE);";

	private static String getHttpMethodCallStatement(String baseURL, String resourceName, String srcResName, String httpMethod) {
		if (srcResName == null) {
			return "\"" + baseURL + "\").path(\"/" + resourceName + "\").request()." + httpMethod + "(entity, String.class);";
		} else {
			 // For each source resource, a child resource is defined in the destination resource so that its state can be updated separately.
			return "\"" + baseURL + "\").path(\"/" + resourceName + "/" + srcResName + "\").request()." + httpMethod + "(entity, String.class);";
	private static String getHttpMethodCallStatementWithResponse(String baseURL, String resourceName, String httpMethod, String respImplName) {
		String responseShortTypeName = respImplName;
		if (respImplName.contains("<")) {
			responseShortTypeName = respImplName.substring(0, respImplName.indexOf("<"));
		return "\"" + baseURL + "\").path(\"/" + resourceName + "\").request()." + httpMethod + "(" + responseShortTypeName + ".class);";	

	private static MethodDeclaration getUpdateMethod(TypeDeclaration type, TypeDeclaration from) {
		for (MethodDeclaration m: type.getMethods()) {
			if (m.getName().equals("update" + from.getTypeName())) return m;
		return null;
	private static List<MethodDeclaration> getUpdateMethods(TypeDeclaration type) {
		List<MethodDeclaration> updates = new ArrayList<>();
		for (MethodDeclaration m: type.getMethods()) {
			if (m.getName().startsWith("update")) {
		return updates;

	private static MethodDeclaration getGetterMethod(TypeDeclaration type) {
		for (MethodDeclaration m: type.getMethods()) {
			if (m.getName().startsWith("get")) return m;
		return null;
	private static Map.Entry<DataflowChannelGenerator, ChannelMember> getIOChannelAndMember(ResourceNode resource, DataFlowModel model) {
		for (ChannelGenerator c: model.getIOChannelGenerators()) {
			DataflowChannelGenerator channel = (DataflowChannelGenerator) c;
			// I/O channel
			for (ChannelMember out: channel.getOutputChannelMembers()) {
				if (out.getIdentifierTemplate().equals(resource.getIdentifierTemplate())) {
					if (out.getStateTransition().getMessageExpression() instanceof Term) {
						// not an identity element
						return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(channel, out);
		return null;

	private static MethodDeclaration getInputMethod(TypeDeclaration type, ResourceNode resource, DataFlowModel model) {
		for (ChannelGenerator c: model.getIOChannelGenerators()) {
			DataflowChannelGenerator channel = (DataflowChannelGenerator) c;
			// I/O channel
			for (ChannelMember out: channel.getOutputChannelMembers()) {
				if (out.getIdentifierTemplate().equals(resource.getIdentifierTemplate())) {
					if (out.getStateTransition().getMessageExpression() instanceof Term) {
						// not an identity element
						Term message = (Term) out.getStateTransition().getMessageExpression();
						MethodDeclaration input = getMethod(type, message.getSymbol().getName());
						return input;
		return null;

	private static MethodDeclaration getMethod(TypeDeclaration type, String methodName) {
		for (MethodDeclaration m: type.getMethods()) {
			if (m.getName().equals(methodName)) return m;
		return null;