pushpullRefactoringExperiments / syntaxhighlighter-3.0.83 / build / ext / phing / CHANGELOG
                           P     H     I     N     G

Aut. 21, 2006 - Phing 2.2.0

  * Refactored parser to support many tags as children of base <project> tag (HL)

  * Added new IfTask (HL)

  * Added "spawn" attribute to ExecTask (only applies to *nix)

  * Several bugfixes & behavior imporvements to ExecTask (HL, MR, Ben Gollmer)

  * Bugfixes & refactoring for SVNLastRevisionTask (MR, Knut Urdalen)

  * Fixed reference copy bug (HL, Matthias Pigulla)

  * Added SvnExportTask (MR)

  * Added support for FileList in DeleteTask. (HL)

  * Added support for using setting Properties using CDATA value of <property> tag. (HL)

  * Added ReferenceExistsCondition (Matthias Pigulla)

  * Added Phing::log() static method & integrated PHP error handling with Phing logging (HL)

  * Added new task to run the ionCube Encoder (MR)

  * Added new HTML Tidy filter (HL)

  * Added PhpLintTask (Knut Urdalen)

  * Added XmlLintTask (Knut Urdalen)

  * Added ZendCodeAnalyzerTask (Knut Urdalen)
  * Removed CoverageFormatter class (MR)
    NOTE: This changes the usage of the collection of PHPUnit2 code coverage reports, see the
    updated documentation for the CoverageSetupTask
  * Added Unzip and Untar tasks contributed by Joakim Bodin

  * [#8, #49] Fixed bugs in TarTask related to including empty directories (HL)
  * [#44] Fixed bug related to copying empty dirs. (HL)
  * [#32] Fixed PHPUnit2 tasks to work with PHPUnit2-3.0.0 (MR)
  * [#31] Fixed bug with using PHPDocumentor 1.3.0RC6 (MR)
  * [#43] Fixed top-level (no target) IfTask behavior (Matthias Pigulla)
  * [#41] Removed some lingering E_STRICT errors, bugs with 5.1.x and PHP >= 5.0.5 (HL)
  * [#25] Fixed 'phing' script to also run on non-bash unix /bin/sh 
  * Numerous documentation improvements by many members of the community (Thanks!)
Sept. 18, 2005 - Phing 2.1.1

  * Added support for specifying 4-char mask (e.g. 1777) to ChmodTask. (Hans Lellelid)

  * Added .svn files to default excludes in DirectoryScanner.

  * Updated PHPUnit2 BatchTest to use class detection and non-dot-path loader. (Michiel Rook)

  * Added support for importing non dot-path files (Michiel Rook)

  * Add better error message when build fails with exception (Hans Lellelid)

  * Fixed runtime error when errors were encountered in AppendTask (Hans Lellelid)

June 17, 2005 - Phing 2.1.0

  * Renamed File -> PhingFile to avoid namespace collisions (Michiel Rook)

  * Add ZipTask to create .zip files (Michiel Rook)

  * Removed redudant logging of build errors in Phing::start() (Michiel Rook)

  * Added tasks to execute PHPUnit2 testsuites and generate coverage and
    test reports. (Michiel Rook, Sebastian Bergmann)

  * Added SvnLastRevisionTask that stores the number of the last revision
    of a workingcopy in a property. (Michiel Rook)

  * Added MailTask that sends a message by mail() (Michiel Rook, contributed by Francois Harvey)

  * New IncludePathTask (<includepath/>) for adding values to PHP's include_path. (Hans Lellelid)

  * Fix to Phing::import() to *not* attempt to invoke __autoload() in class_exists() check. (Hans Lellelid)

  * Fixed AppendTask to allow use of only <fileset> as source. (Hans Lellelid)

  * Removed dependency on posix, by changing posix_uname to php_uname if needed. (Christian Stocker)

  * Fixed issues: (Michiel Rook)
    11  ExtendedFileStream does not work on Windows
    12  CoverageFormatter problem on Windows
    13  DOMElement warnings in PHPUnit2 tasks
    14  RuntimeException conflicts with SPL class
    15  It is not possible to execute it with PHP5.1
    16  Add Passthru option to ExecTask
    17  Blank list on foreach task will loop once
    19  Problem with <formatter outfile="...">
    20  Phpunit2report missing XSL stylesheets
    21  Warnings when output dir does not exist in PHPUnit2Report

Oct 16, 2004 - Phing 2.0.0
  * Minor fixes to make Phing run under E_STRICT/PHP5.
  * Fix to global/system properties not being set in project. (Matt Zandstra)
  * Fixes to deprecated return by reference issues w/ PHP5.0.0

June 8, 2004 - Phing 2.0.0b3
  * Brought up-to-date w/ PHP5.0.0RC3
  * Fixed several bugs in ForeachTask
  * Fixed runtime errors and incomplete inheriting of properties in PhingTask
  * Added <fileset> support to AppendTask

March 19, 2004 - Phing 2.0.0b2

  * Brought up-to-date w/ PHP5.0.0RC1 (Hans)
  * Fixed bug in seting XSLT params using XSLTask (Hans, Jeff Moss)
  * Fixed PHPUnit test framework for PHPUnit-2.0.0alpha3
  * Added "Adhoc" tasks, which allow for defining PHP task or type classes within the
  buildfile. (Hans)
  * Added PhpEvalTask which allows property values to be set to simple PHP evaluations or
  the results of function/method calls. (Hans)
  * Added new phing.listener.PearLogger listener (logger).  Also, the -logfile arg is now
  supported. (Hans)
  * Fixed broken ForeachTask task.  (Manuel)

Dec 24, 2003 - Phing 2.0.0b1

  * Added PEAR installation framework & ability to build Phing into PEAR package.
  * Added TarTask using PEAR Archive_Tar
  * Added PearPackageTask which creates a PEAR package.xml (using PEAR_PackageFileManager).
  * Added ResolvePathTask which converts relative paths into absolute paths.
  * Removed System class, due to namespace collision w/ PEAR.
  * Basic "working?" tests performed with all selectors.
  * Added selectors:  TypeSelector, ContainsRegexpSelector
  * CreoleSQLExec task is now operational.
  * Corrected non-fatal bugs in: DeleteTask, ReflexiveTask
  * All core Phing classes now in PHP5 syntax (no "var" used, etc.)
  * CopyTask will not stop build execution if a file cannot be copied (will log and
  continue to next file).
  * New abstract MatchingTask task makes it easier to create your own tasks that use
  * Removed redundant calls in DirectoryScanner (<fileset> scanning now much faster).
  * Fixed fatal errors in File::equals()

Nov 24, 2003 - Phing 2.0.0a2

  * Fixed ReplaceTokens filter to correctly replace matched tokens
  * Changed "project.basedir" property to be absolute path of basedir
  * Made IntrospectionHelper more tollerant of add*() and addConfigured*() signatures
  * New CvsTask and CvsPassTask for working with CVS repositories
  * New TranslateGettext filter substitutes _("hello!") with "hola!" / "bonjour!" / etc.
  * More consistent use of classhints to enable auto-casting by IntrospectionHelper
  * Fixed infinite loop bug in FileUtils::normalize() for paths containing "/./"
  * Fixed bug in CopyFile/fileset that caused termination of copy operation on encounter
  of unreadable file

Nov 6, 20003 - Phing 2.0.0a1

  * First release of Phing 2, an extensive rewrite and upgrade.
  * Refactored much of codebase, using new PHP5 features (e.g. Interfaces, Exceptions!)
  * Many, many, many bugfixes to existing functionality
  * Restructuring for more intuitive directory layout, change the parser class names.
  * Introduction of new tasks: AppendTask, ReflexiveTask, ExitTask, Input, PropertyPrompt
  * Introduction of new types: Path, FileList, DirSet, selectors, conditions
  * Introduction of new filters: ReplaceRegexp
  * Introduction of new logger: AnsiColorLogger
  * Many features from ANT 1.5 added to existing Tasks/Types
  * New "Register Slot" functionality allows for tracking "inner" dynamic variables.

May 15 2003 - Phing 1.0-rc2

  * Many bug fixes
  * Several new system tasks introduced

March 06 2003 - Phing 1.0-rc1
  * Release candidate 1

October 15 2002 - Phing 1.0-pre1
  * Initial pre-release

--$Id: CHANGELOG 123 2006-09-14 20:19:08Z mrook $