pushpullRefactoringExperiments / syntaxhighlighter-3.0.83 / build / ext / phing / bin / phing.php

 * This is the Phing command line launcher. It starts up the system evironment
 * tests for all important paths and properties and kicks of the main command-
 * line entry point of phing located in phing.Phing
 * @version $Revision: 1.7 $

// Set any INI options for PHP
// ---------------------------

/* set classpath */
if (getenv('PHP_CLASSPATH')) {
    if (!defined('PHP_CLASSPATH')) { define('PHP_CLASSPATH',  getenv('PHP_CLASSPATH') . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); }
    ini_set('include_path', PHP_CLASSPATH);
} else {
    if (!defined('PHP_CLASSPATH')) { define('PHP_CLASSPATH',  get_include_path()); }

require_once 'phing/Phing.php';

try {

	/* Setup Phing environment */

	// Set phing.home property to the value from environment
	// (this may be NULL, but that's not a big problem.)
	Phing::setProperty('phing.home', getenv('PHING_HOME'));

	// Grab and clean up the CLI arguments
	$args = isset($argv) ? $argv : $_SERVER['argv']; // $_SERVER['argv'] seems to not work (sometimes?) when argv is registered
	array_shift($args); // 1st arg is script name, so drop it

	// Invoke the commandline entry point

	// Invoke any shutdown routines.

} catch (ConfigurationException $x) {

	exit(-1); // This was convention previously for configuration errors.

} catch (Exception $x) {

	// Assume the message was already printed as part of the build and
	// exit with non-0 error code.


