pushpullRefactoringExperiments / syntaxhighlighter-3.0.83 / build / ext / packer / readme.txt
PHP 5 :
use class.JavaScriptPacker.php (Tested under PHP 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.3.)
 - usage and comments in source.
 - there is 2 examples in this archive for PHP 5,
   'example-file.php' and example-inline.php

PHP 4 :
use class.JavaScriptPacker.php4, it's an adaptation for PHP4.
The examples in this archive will not work directly with PHP 4, they are
writed in PHP5, you'll need to adapt them. If some functions are missing in
PHP 4, you can find their equivalent here :