AlgebraicDataflowArchitectureModel / AlgebraicDataflowArchitectureModel / src / algorithms /
package algorithms;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;

import code.ast.Annotation;
import code.ast.Block;
import code.ast.CompilationUnit;
import code.ast.FieldDeclaration;
import code.ast.ImportDeclaration;
import code.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import code.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import code.ast.VariableDeclaration;
import models.Edge;
import models.Node;
import models.algebra.Expression;
import models.algebra.Field;
import models.algebra.Parameter;
import models.algebra.Symbol;
import models.algebra.Term;
import models.algebra.Type;
import models.algebra.Variable;
import models.dataConstraintModel.ChannelGenerator;
import models.dataConstraintModel.ChannelMember;
import models.dataConstraintModel.DataConstraintModel;
import models.dataConstraintModel.IdentifierTemplate;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataFlowModel;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataflowChannelGenerator.IResourceStateAccessor;
import models.dataFlowModel.PushPullAttribute;
import models.dataFlowModel.PushPullValue;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResourceDependency;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResourceDependencyGraph;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResourceNode;
import models.dataFlowModel.StoreAttribute;

 * Generator for Jersey prototypes
 * @author Nitta
public class JerseyCodeGenerator {
	public static final Type typeVoid = new Type("Void", "void");
	public static final Type typeClient = new Type("Client", "Client");
	private static String defaultMainTypeName = "Main";
	static String mainTypeName = defaultMainTypeName;

	public static String getMainTypeName() {
		return mainTypeName;

	public static void setMainTypeName(String mainTypeName) {
		JerseyCodeGenerator.mainTypeName = mainTypeName;

	public static void resetMainTypeName() {
		JerseyCodeGenerator.mainTypeName = defaultMainTypeName;

	static public ArrayList<CompilationUnit> doGenerate(ResourceDependencyGraph graph, DataFlowModel model) {
		ArrayList<CompilationUnit> codes = new ArrayList<>();
		ArrayList<ResourceNode> resources = StoreResourceCheck(graph);

		for (ResourceNode rn : resources) {
			String resourceName = rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
					+ rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName().substring(1);

			// Declare the field to refer each resource in the main type.
			TypeDeclaration type = new TypeDeclaration(resourceName);
//			type.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Component"));
			type.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Path", "\"/" + rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName() + "\""));
			// Declare a client field and update methods from other resources.
			boolean bDeclareClientField = false;
			for (Edge e : rn.getOutEdges()) {
				ResourceDependency re = (ResourceDependency) e;
				if (!bDeclareClientField && ((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) == PushPullValue.PUSH) {
					// Declare a client field to connect to the destination resource of push transfer.
					type.addField(new FieldDeclaration(typeClient, "client", "ClientBuilder.newClient()"));
					bDeclareClientField = true;
			for (Edge e : rn.getInEdges()) {
				ResourceDependency re = (ResourceDependency) e;
				String srcResName = ((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName()
						.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
						+ ((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName().substring(1);
				if (((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) != PushPullValue.PUSH) {
					if (!bDeclareClientField) {
						// Declare a client field to connect to the source resource of pull transfer.
						type.addField(new FieldDeclaration(typeClient, "client", "ClientBuilder.newClient()"));
						bDeclareClientField = true;
				} else {
					// Declare an update method in the type of the destination resource.
					ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> vars = new ArrayList<>();
					String srcName = ((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName();
					VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType(), srcName);
					param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("FormParam", "\"" + srcName + "\""));
					MethodDeclaration update = new MethodDeclaration("update" + srcResName, false, typeVoid, vars);
					if (((StoreAttribute) rn.getAttribute()).isNeeded()) {
						update.addAnnotation(new Annotation("POST"));
					} else {
						update.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PUT"));
					if (rn.getInEdges().size() > 1) {
						 // For each source resource, a child resource is defined in the destination resource so that its state can be updated separately.
						update.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Path", "\"/" + srcName + "\""));
						// Declare a field to cash the state of the source resource in the type of the destination resource.
						type.addField(new FieldDeclaration(((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType(), srcName));
			// Declare input methods in resources.
			for (ChannelGenerator cg : model.getIOChannelGenerators()) {
				for (ChannelMember cm : cg.getChannelMembers()) {
					if (cm.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName().equals(type.getTypeName().toLowerCase())) {
						Expression message = cm.getStateTransition().getMessageExpression();
						if (message.getClass() == Term.class) {
							ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> params = new ArrayList<>();
							for (Variable var: message.getVariables().values()) {
								String paramName = var.getName();
								VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
								param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("FormParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
							MethodDeclaration input = new MethodDeclaration(
									((Term) cm.getStateTransition().getMessageExpression()).getSymbol().getImplName(),
									false, typeVoid, params);
							input.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PUT"));
			// Declare the field to store the state in the type of each resource.
			if (((StoreAttribute) rn.getAttribute()).isStored()) {
				String initializer = "new " + rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType().getImplementationTypeName() + "()";
				if (!rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType().getTypeName().contains("List"))
					initializer = null;
				type.addField(new FieldDeclaration(rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType(),
						rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName(), initializer));
			// Declare the getter method to obtain the state in the type of each resource.
			MethodDeclaration getter = new MethodDeclaration("get" + type.getTypeName(), rn.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceStateType());
			getter.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Produces", "MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON"));
			getter.addAnnotation(new Annotation("GET"));
			// Add compilation unit for each resource.
			CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit(type);
			cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("java.util.*"));
			cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("*"));
			cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("*"));
			cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("*"));
		return codes;

	static public ArrayList<String> getCodes(ArrayList<TypeDeclaration> codeTree) {
		ArrayList<String> codes = new ArrayList<>();
		for (TypeDeclaration type : codeTree) {
			codes.add("public class " + type.getTypeName() + "{");
			for (FieldDeclaration field : type.getFields()) {
				if (type.getTypeName() != mainTypeName) {
					String cons = "\t" + "private " + field.getType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " "
							+ field.getName();
					if (field.getType().equals(DataConstraintModel.typeList))
						cons += " = new ArrayList<>()";
					cons += ";";
				} else {
					String cons = "\t" + "private " + field.getType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " "
							+ field.getName() + " = new " + field.getType().getTypeName() + "(";
					for (TypeDeclaration tree : codeTree) {
						if (field.getType().getTypeName() == tree.getTypeName()) {
							for (VariableDeclaration var : tree.getConstructors()) {
								cons += var.getName() + ",";
							if (!tree.getConstructors().isEmpty())
								cons = cons.substring(0, cons.length() - 1);
					cons += ");";
			if (type.getTypeName() != mainTypeName) {
				if (!type.getConstructors().isEmpty()) {
					String cons = "\t" + "public " + type.getTypeName() + "(";
					for (VariableDeclaration constructor : type.getConstructors()) {
						cons += constructor.getType().getTypeName() + " " + constructor.getName() + ",";
					if (!type.getConstructors().isEmpty())
						cons = cons.substring(0, cons.length() - 1);
					cons += "){";
					for (FieldDeclaration field : type.getFields()) {
						for (VariableDeclaration vari : type.getConstructors()) {
							if (field.getType().getTypeName().equals(vari.getType().getTypeName())) {
								codes.add("\t\t" + "this." + field.getName() + " = " + field.getName() + ";");
					codes.add("\t" + "}");
			for (MethodDeclaration method : type.getMethods()) {
				String varstr = "\t" + "public " + method.getReturnType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " "
						+ method.getName() + "(";
				if (method.getParameters() != null) {
					for (VariableDeclaration var : method.getParameters()) {
						varstr += var.getType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " " + var.getName() + ",";
					if (!method.getParameters().isEmpty())
						varstr = varstr.substring(0, varstr.length() - 1);
				if (method.getBody() != null) {
					for (String str : method.getBody().getStatements()) {
						codes.add("\t\t" + str + ";");
				codes.add(varstr + ")" + "{");
				codes.add("\t" + "}");
		return codes;

	static private ArrayList<ResourceNode> StoreResourceCheck(ResourceDependencyGraph graph) {
		ArrayList<ResourceNode> resources = new ArrayList<>();
		for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
			ResourceNode rn = (ResourceNode) n;
			boolean flag = true;
			for (Edge e : rn.getOutEdges()) {
				ResourceDependency re = (ResourceDependency) e;
				if (((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) == PushPullValue.PUSH) {
					flag = false;
			for (Edge e : rn.getInEdges()) {
				ResourceDependency re = (ResourceDependency) e;
				if (((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) != PushPullValue.PUSH) {
					flag = false;
			if (flag)
		trackNode(resources.get(0), resources);
		return resources;

	static private void trackNode(ResourceNode current, ArrayList<ResourceNode> resources) {
		if (!resources.contains(current))
		for (Edge e : current.getOutEdges()) {
			ResourceDependency re = (ResourceDependency) e;
			if (((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) != PushPullValue.PUSH) {
				trackNode((ResourceNode) re.getDestination(), resources);
		for (Edge e : current.getInEdges()) {
			ResourceDependency re = (ResourceDependency) e;
			if (((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) == PushPullValue.PUSH) {
				trackNode((ResourceNode) re.getSource(), resources);

	static public IResourceStateAccessor pushAccessor = new IResourceStateAccessor() {
		public Expression getCurrentStateAccessorFor(IdentifierTemplate target, IdentifierTemplate from) {
			if (target.equals(from)) {
				return new Field(target.getResourceName(),
						target.getResourceStateType() != null ? target.getResourceStateType()
								: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
			return null;

		public Expression getNextStateAccessorFor(IdentifierTemplate target, IdentifierTemplate from) {
			return new Parameter(target.getResourceName(),
					target.getResourceStateType() != null ? target.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
	static public IResourceStateAccessor pullAccessor = new IResourceStateAccessor() {
		public Expression getCurrentStateAccessorFor(IdentifierTemplate target, IdentifierTemplate from) {
			if (target.equals(from)) {
				return new Field(target.getResourceName(),
						target.getResourceStateType() != null ? target.getResourceStateType()
								: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
			return null;

		public Expression getNextStateAccessorFor(IdentifierTemplate target, IdentifierTemplate from) {
			return new Parameter(target.getResourceName(),
					target.getResourceStateType() != null ? target.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);