package application.editor; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.mxgraph.layout.mxCircleLayout; import com.mxgraph.layout.mxCompactTreeLayout; import com.mxgraph.model.mxCell; import com.mxgraph.swing.mxGraphComponent; import com.mxgraph.util.mxEvent; import com.mxgraph.util.mxEventSource.mxIEventListener; import com.mxgraph.view.mxCellState; import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph; import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraphView; import application.editor.stages.ControlFlowDelegationStage; import application.editor.stages.DataFlowModelingStage; import application.editor.stages.PushPullSelectionStage; import application.layouts.*; import code.ast.CompilationUnit; import models.EdgeAttribute; import models.controlFlowModel.ControlFlowGraph; import models.dataConstraintModel.Channel; import models.dataConstraintModel.ResourcePath; import models.dataFlowModel.DataTransferModel; import models.dataFlowModel.DataTransferChannel; import models.dataFlowModel.DataFlowGraph; import models.visualModel.FormulaChannel; import parser.Parser; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedAssignment; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedChannel; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedChannelName; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedEquals; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedFormulaChannel; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedGeometry; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedInOrOutOrRefKeyword; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedIoChannel; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedLeftCurlyBracket; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedModel; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedNode; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedRHSExpression; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedResource; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedRightBracket; import parser.exceptions.ExpectedStateTransition; import parser.exceptions.WrongJsonExpression; import parser.exceptions.WrongLHSExpression; import parser.exceptions.WrongRHSExpression; import parser.ParserDTRAM; /** * Main editor for all stages * * @author Nitta * */ public class Editor { public DataTransferModel model = null; public mxGraph graph = null; private mxGraphComponent graphComponent = null; private mxIEventListener curChangeEventListener = null; private MouseListener curMouseEventListener = null; protected Stage curStage = null; protected List<Stage> stageQueue = null; private List<IStageChangeListener> stageChangeListeners = null; protected String curFileName = null; protected String curFilePath = null; protected ArrayList<CompilationUnit> codes = null; public static DataFlowModelingStage STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING = null; public static PushPullSelectionStage STAGE_PUSH_PULL_SELECTION = null; public static ControlFlowDelegationStage STAGE_CONTROL_FLOW_DELEGATION = null; public Editor(mxGraphComponent graphComponent) { this.graphComponent = graphComponent; this.graph = graphComponent.getGraph(); STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING = new DataFlowModelingStage(graphComponent); STAGE_PUSH_PULL_SELECTION = new PushPullSelectionStage(graphComponent); STAGE_CONTROL_FLOW_DELEGATION = new ControlFlowDelegationStage(graphComponent); graphComponent.setCellEditor(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING.createCellEditor(graphComponent)); stageQueue = new ArrayList<>(); stageQueue.add(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); stageQueue.add(STAGE_PUSH_PULL_SELECTION); stageQueue.add(STAGE_CONTROL_FLOW_DELEGATION); curStage = STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING; stageChangeListeners = new ArrayList<>(); } public mxGraph getGraph() { return graph; } public mxGraphComponent getGraphComponent() { return this.graphComponent; } public DataTransferModel getModel() { model = curStage.getModel(); return model; } public Stage getCurStage() { return curStage; } public boolean canChange(Stage nextStage) { return nextStage.canChangeFrom(curStage); } public boolean nextStage() { int curStageNo = stageQueue.indexOf(curStage); if (curStageNo + 1 >= stageQueue.size()) return false; return changeStage(stageQueue.get(curStageNo + 1)); } public boolean changeStage(Stage nextStage) { if (!nextStage.canChangeFrom(curStage)) return false; nextStage.init(curStage); graphComponent.setCellEditor(nextStage.createCellEditor(graphComponent)); // add listeners // "curChangeEventListener" will be called when updating the mxGraph. if (curChangeEventListener != null) { graph.getModel().removeListener(curChangeEventListener); } curChangeEventListener = nextStage.createChangeEventListener(this); if (curChangeEventListener != null) { graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, curChangeEventListener); } // A handler of a mouse event. if(curMouseEventListener != null) { graphComponent.getGraphControl().removeMouseListener(curMouseEventListener); } curMouseEventListener = nextStage.createMouseEventListener(this); if(curMouseEventListener != null) { graphComponent.getGraphControl().addMouseListener(curMouseEventListener); } curStage = nextStage; notifyStageChangeListeners(); return true; } public void addStageChangeListener(IStageChangeListener stageChangeListener) { stageChangeListeners.add(stageChangeListener); } private void notifyStageChangeListeners() { for (IStageChangeListener l: stageChangeListeners) { l.stageChanged(curStage); } } public DataFlowGraph getDataFlowGraph() { if (curStage instanceof PushPullSelectionStage) { return ((PushPullSelectionStage) curStage).getDataFlowGraph(); } else if (curStage instanceof ControlFlowDelegationStage) { return ((ControlFlowDelegationStage) curStage).getControlFlowGraph().getDataFlowGraph(); } return null; } public ControlFlowGraph getControlFlowGraph() { if (curStage instanceof ControlFlowDelegationStage) { return ((ControlFlowDelegationStage) curStage).getControlFlowGraph(); } return null; } public ArrayList<CompilationUnit> getCodes() { return codes; } public void setCodes(ArrayList<CompilationUnit> codes) { = codes; } public String getCurFileName() { return curFileName; } public String getCurFilePath() { return curFilePath; } public void setCurFilePath(String curFilePath) { this.curFilePath = curFilePath; this.curFileName = new File(curFilePath).getName(); } public void clear() { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return; model = null; ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).clear(); curFilePath = null; curFileName = null; codes = null; } /** * Open a given file, parse the file, construct a DataFlowModel and a mxGraph * @param file given file * @return a constructed DataFlowModel */ public DataTransferModel open(File file) { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return null; try { String extension =""; if(file != null && file.exists()) { // get file's name String name = file.getName(); // get file's extension extension = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".")); } if(extension.contains(".model")) { openModel(file); } else { // Parse the .dtram file. ParserDTRAM parserDTRAM = new ParserDTRAM(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))); try { model = parserDTRAM.doParseModel(); if (curStage instanceof DataFlowModelingStage) { // Update the mxGraph. ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).setModel(model); } // Restore the geometry. parserDTRAM.doParseGeometry(graph); // Change to the push/pull selection stage, analyze the data transfer model and construct a data-flow graph. changeStage(STAGE_PUSH_PULL_SELECTION); curFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); curFileName = file.getName(); return model; } catch (ExpectedChannel | ExpectedChannelName | ExpectedLeftCurlyBracket | ExpectedInOrOutOrRefKeyword | ExpectedStateTransition | ExpectedEquals | ExpectedRHSExpression | WrongLHSExpression | WrongRHSExpression | ExpectedRightBracket | ExpectedAssignment | ExpectedModel | ExpectedGeometry | ExpectedNode | ExpectedResource | ExpectedFormulaChannel | ExpectedIoChannel | WrongJsonExpression e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public DataTransferModel openModel(File file) { // Force to change to data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return null; try { // Parse the .model file. Parser parser = new Parser(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))); try { model = parser.doParse(); if (curStage instanceof DataFlowModelingStage) { // Update the mxGraph. ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).setModel(model); } // Set DAG layout. setDAGLayout(); // Change to the push/pull selection stage, analyze the data transfer model and construct a data-flow graph. changeStage(STAGE_PUSH_PULL_SELECTION); curFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); curFileName = file.getName(); return model; } catch (ExpectedChannel | ExpectedChannelName | ExpectedLeftCurlyBracket | ExpectedInOrOutOrRefKeyword | ExpectedStateTransition | ExpectedEquals | ExpectedRHSExpression | WrongLHSExpression | WrongRHSExpression | ExpectedRightBracket | ExpectedAssignment | WrongJsonExpression e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /************************************************************* * [save] /************************************************************* * */ public void save() { if (curFilePath != null) { try { File file = new File(curFilePath); String extension = ""; if(file != null && file.exists()) { // get a file's name String name = file.getName(); // get a file's extension extension = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".")); } if(extension.contains(".model")) { saveModel(file); } else { FileWriter filewriter = new FileWriter(file); filewriter.write(toOutputString()); filewriter.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void saveModel(File file) { if (curFilePath != null) { try { FileWriter filewriter = new FileWriter(file); filewriter.write(model.getSourceText()); filewriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /**-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * get writing texts "dtram" file information is written. * * @return formatted "dtram" info texts. */ protected String toOutputString() { String fileString = ""; fileString += "model {\n"; fileString += this.model.getSourceText(); fileString += "}\n"; fileString += "geometry {\n"; mxCell root = (mxCell) graph.getDefaultParent(); mxCell nodeLayer = (mxCell) root.getChildAt(Stage.NODE_LAYER); mxCell dataFlowLayer = (mxCell) root.getChildAt(Stage.DATA_FLOW_LAYER); for (int i = 0; i < graph.getModel().getChildCount(nodeLayer); i++) { Object cell = graph.getModel().getChildAt(nodeLayer, i); if (graph.getModel().isVertex(cell)) { mxGraphView view = graph.getView(); mxCellState state = view.getState(cell); int x = (int) state.getX(); int y = (int) state.getY(); int w = (int) state.getWidth(); int h = (int) state.getHeight(); for (ResourcePath res: model.getResourcePaths()){ if(res instanceof ResourcePath && state.getLabel().equals(res.getResourceName())) fileString += "\tnode r " + state.getLabel() + ":" + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h + "\n"; } for (Channel ioC: model.getIOChannels()) { if(ioC instanceof Channel && state.getLabel().equals(ioC.getChannelName())) { fileString += "\tnode ioc " + state.getLabel() + ":" + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h + "\n"; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < graph.getModel().getChildCount(dataFlowLayer); i++) { Object cell = graph.getModel().getChildAt(dataFlowLayer, i); if (graph.getModel().isVertex(cell)) { mxGraphView view = graph.getView(); mxCellState state = view.getState(cell); int x = (int) state.getX(); int y = (int) state.getY(); int w = (int) state.getWidth(); int h = (int) state.getHeight(); for(Channel ch: model.getChannels()) { if(ch instanceof FormulaChannel && state.getLabel().equals(ch.getChannelName())) { fileString += "\tnode fc " + state.getLabel() + ":" + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h+"\n"; } else if(ch instanceof Channel && state.getLabel().equals(ch.getChannelName())) { fileString +="\tnode c " + state.getLabel() + ":" + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h+"\n"; } } } } fileString += "}\n"; return fileString; } public void setDAGLayout() { mxCell root = (mxCell) graph.getDefaultParent(); mxCell dataFlowLayer = (mxCell) root.getChildAt(Stage.DATA_FLOW_LAYER); graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { DAGLayout ctl = new DAGLayout(graph); ctl.execute(dataFlowLayer); // for(int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { // ctl.execute(root.getChildAt(i)); // } } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } } public void setTreeLayout() { mxCell root = (mxCell) graph.getDefaultParent(); graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { mxCompactTreeLayout ctl = new mxCompactTreeLayout(graph); ctl.setLevelDistance(100); // ctl.setHorizontal(false); ctl.setEdgeRouting(false); for(int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { ctl.execute(root.getChildAt(i)); } } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } } public void setCircleLayout() { mxCell root = (mxCell) graph.getDefaultParent(); graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { mxCircleLayout ctl = new mxCircleLayout(graph); for(int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { ctl.execute(root.getChildAt(i)); } } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } } public void addResourcePath(ResourcePath res) { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return; ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).addResourcePath(res); model = ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).getModel(); } public void addChannel(DataTransferChannel channel) { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return; ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).addChannel(channel); model = ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).getModel(); } public void addIOChannel(DataTransferChannel ioChannel) { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return; ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).addIOChannel(ioChannel); model = ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).getModel(); } public void addFormulaChannel(FormulaChannel formulaChannel) { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return; ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).addFormulaChannel(formulaChannel); model = ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).getModel(); } public boolean connectEdge(mxCell edge, mxCell src, mxCell dst) { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return false; boolean isConnected = ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).connectEdge(edge, src, dst); return isConnected; } public void delete() { // Force to change to the data-flow modeling stage. boolean stageChanged = changeStage(STAGE_DATA_FLOW_MODELING); if (!stageChanged) return; ((DataFlowModelingStage) curStage).delete(); } public static class SrcDstAttribute extends EdgeAttribute { private Object src; private Object dst; public SrcDstAttribute(Object src, Object dst) { this.src = src; this.dst = dst; } public Object getSrouce() { return src; } public Object getDestination() { return dst; } public String toString() { return ""; } } }