AlgebraicDataflowArchitectureModel / AlgebraicDataflowArchitectureModel / src / generators /
package generators;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;

import code.ast.Annotation;
import code.ast.Block;
import code.ast.CompilationUnit;
import code.ast.FieldDeclaration;
import code.ast.ImportDeclaration;
import code.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import code.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import code.ast.VariableDeclaration;
import models.Edge;
import models.Node;
import models.algebra.Expression;
import models.algebra.Field;
import models.algebra.Parameter;
import models.algebra.Symbol;
import models.algebra.Term;
import models.algebra.Type;
import models.algebra.Variable;
import models.dataConstraintModel.Channel;
import models.dataConstraintModel.ChannelMember;
import models.dataConstraintModel.DataConstraintModel;
import models.dataConstraintModel.ResourceHierarchy;
import models.dataConstraintModel.ResourcePath;
import models.dataConstraintModel.Selector;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataTransferModel;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataTransferChannel;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataTransferChannel.IResourceStateAccessor;
import models.dataFlowModel.PushPullAttribute;
import models.dataFlowModel.PushPullValue;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataFlowEdge;
import models.dataFlowModel.DataFlowGraph;
import models.dataFlowModel.ResourceNode;
import models.dataFlowModel.ChannelNode;
import models.dataFlowModel.StoreAttribute;

 * Generator for Jersey prototypes
 * @author Nitta
public class JerseyCodeGenerator {
	public static final Type typeVoid = new Type("Void", "void");
	public static final Type typeClient = new Type("Client", "Client");
	public static boolean differentTreesAsDifferentServices = true;
	private static String defaultMainTypeName = "Main";
	static String mainTypeName = defaultMainTypeName;

	public static String getMainTypeName() {
		return mainTypeName;

	public static void setMainTypeName(String mainTypeName) {
		JerseyCodeGenerator.mainTypeName = mainTypeName;

	public static void resetMainTypeName() {
		JerseyCodeGenerator.mainTypeName = defaultMainTypeName;

	public static String getComponentName(ResourceHierarchy res) {
		String name = res.getResourceName();
		if (res.getNumParameters() > 0) {
			if (name.length() > 3 && name.endsWith("ies")) {
				name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3) + "y";
			} else if (name.length() > 1 && name.endsWith("s")) {
				name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);
			} else {
				name += "Element";
		return name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
	public static String toVariableName(String name) {
		return name.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + name.substring(1);
	public static Type getImplStateType(ResourceHierarchy res) {
		Set<ResourceHierarchy> children = res.getChildren();
		if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {
			// leaf resource.
			return res.getResourceStateType();
		} else {
			ResourceHierarchy child = children.iterator().next();
			if (children.size() == 1 && child.getNumParameters() > 0) {
				// map or list.
				if (DataConstraintModel.typeList.isAncestorOf(res.getResourceStateType())) {
					// list.
					if (generatesComponent(child)) {
						return new Type("List", "ArrayList<>", "List<" + getComponentName(child) + ">", DataConstraintModel.typeList);
					} else {
						return new Type("List", "ArrayList<>", "List<" + getImplStateType(child).getImplementationTypeName() + ">", DataConstraintModel.typeList);
				} else if (DataConstraintModel.typeMap.isAncestorOf(res.getResourceStateType())) {
					// map.
					if (generatesComponent(child)) {
						return new Type("Map", "HashMap<>", "Map<String, " + getComponentName(child) + ">", DataConstraintModel.typeMap);
					} else {
						return new Type("Map", "HashMap<>", "Map<String, " + getImplStateType(child).getImplementationTypeName() + ">", DataConstraintModel.typeMap);
				return null;
			} else {
				// class
				return res.getResourceStateType();

	public static boolean generatesComponent(ResourceHierarchy res) {
		return res.getParent() == null || !(res.getChildren() == null || res.getChildren().size() == 0);
//		Type resType = res.getResourceStateType();
//		return DataConstraintModel.typeJson.isAncestorOf(resType) || DataConstraintModel.typeList.isAncestorOf(resType) || DataConstraintModel.typeMap.isAncestorOf(resType);

	static public ArrayList<CompilationUnit> doGenerate(DataFlowGraph graph, DataTransferModel model) {
		ArrayList<CompilationUnit> codes = new ArrayList<>();
//		ArrayList<ResourceNode> resources = StoreResourceCheck(graph);
		Collection<ResourceNode> resources = graph.getResourceNodes();
		Map<ResourceHierarchy, TypeDeclaration> resourceComponents = new HashMap<>();
		Map<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration> resourceConstructors = new HashMap<>();
		List<Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration>> getters = new ArrayList<>();
		List<Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration>> inputs = new ArrayList<>();
		List<Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, FieldDeclaration>> fields = new ArrayList<>();
		Map<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration> getterAccessors = new HashMap<>();
		Map<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration> inputAccessors = new HashMap<>();
		List<Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, VariableDeclaration>> constructorParams = new ArrayList<>();

		// For each resource node.
		for (Node n : resources) {
			ResourceNode rn = (ResourceNode) n;
			TypeDeclaration component = null;
			if (generatesComponent(rn.getResourceHierarchy())) {
				String resourceName = getComponentName(rn.getResourceHierarchy());
				component = resourceComponents.get(rn.getResourceHierarchy());
				if (component == null) {
					// Add compilation unit for each resource.
					component = new TypeDeclaration(resourceName);
					if (rn.getResourceHierarchy().getParent() == null) {
						// For a root node.
						component.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Component"));
						component.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Path", "\"/" + rn.getResourceName() + "\""));
					resourceComponents.put(rn.getResourceHierarchy(), component);
					CompilationUnit cu = new CompilationUnit(component);
					cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("java.util.*"));
					if (rn.getResourceHierarchy().getParent() == null) {
						// For a root node.
						cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("*"));
						cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("*"));
						cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("*"));
						cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("org.springframework.stereotype.Component"));
						cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper"));
						cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException"));
					// Declare a client field and update methods from other resources.
					boolean bDeclareClientField = false;
					for (Edge resToCh: rn.getOutEdges()) {
						DataFlowEdge re = (DataFlowEdge) resToCh;
						DataTransferChannel ch = ((ChannelNode) re.getDestination()).getChannel();
						// Check if the input resource is outside of the channel scope.
						boolean outsideInputResource = false;
						for (ChannelMember cm: ch.getInputChannelMembers()) {
							if (cm.getResource().getResourceHierarchy().equals(rn.getResourceHierarchy()) && cm.isOutside()) {
								outsideInputResource = true;	// Regarded as pull transfer.
						if (!bDeclareClientField && ((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) == PushPullValue.PUSH && !outsideInputResource) {
							for (ChannelMember cm: ch.getOutputChannelMembers()) {
								ResourcePath dstRes = cm.getResource();
								String dstResName = null;
								if (generatesComponent(dstRes.getResourceHierarchy())) {
									dstResName = getComponentName(dstRes.getResourceHierarchy());
								} else {
									dstResName = getComponentName(dstRes.getResourceHierarchy().getParent());
								if (rn.getOutSideResource().getCommonPrefix(dstRes) == null && differentTreesAsDifferentServices) {
									// Inter-service
									if (bDeclareClientField) {
										// Declare a client field to connect to the destination resource of push transfer.
										component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(typeClient, "client", "ClientBuilder.newClient()"));
										bDeclareClientField = true;
								} else {
									// Inner-service
									// Declare a field to directly refer to the destination resource of push transfer.
									component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(new Type(dstResName, dstResName), toVariableName(dstResName)));
					for (Edge chToRes : rn.getInEdges()) {
						for (Edge resToCh: chToRes.getSource().getInEdges()) {
							DataFlowEdge re = (DataFlowEdge) resToCh;
							ResourcePath srcRes = ((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getOutSideResource();
							DataTransferChannel ch = ((ChannelNode) re.getDestination()).getChannel();
							// Check if the input and output resources are outside of the channel scope.
							boolean outsideInputResource = false;
							for (ChannelMember cm: ch.getInputChannelMembers()) {
								if (cm.getResource().getResourceHierarchy().equals(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy()) && cm.isOutside()) {
									outsideInputResource = true;	// Regarded as pull transfer.
							boolean outsideOutputResource = false;
							for (ChannelMember cm: ch.getOutputChannelMembers()) {
								if (cm.getResource().getResourceHierarchy().equals(rn.getOutSideResource().getResourceHierarchy()) && cm.isOutside()) {
									outsideOutputResource = true;	// Regarded as push transfer.
							String srcResName = null;
							if (generatesComponent(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy())) {
								srcResName = getComponentName(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy());
							} else {
								srcResName = getComponentName(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy().getParent());
							if ((((PushPullAttribute) re.getAttribute()).getOptions().get(0) != PushPullValue.PUSH && !outsideOutputResource) || outsideInputResource) {
								if (rn.getOutSideResource().getCommonPrefix(srcRes) == null && differentTreesAsDifferentServices) {
									// Inter-service
									if (!bDeclareClientField) {
										// Declare a client field to connect to the source resource of pull transfer.
										component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(typeClient, "client", "ClientBuilder.newClient()"));
										bDeclareClientField = true;
								} else {
									// Inner-service
									// Declare a field to directly refer to the source resource of pull transfer.
									component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(new Type(srcResName, srcResName), toVariableName(srcResName)));
							} else {
								// Declare an update method in the type of the destination resource.
								ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> vars = new ArrayList<>();
								String srcName = srcRes.getResourceName();
								Type srcType = srcRes.getResourceStateType();
								VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(srcType, srcName);
								param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("FormParam", "\"" + srcName + "\""));
								for (ResourcePath refRes: ((ChannelNode) re.getDestination()).getChannel().getReferenceResources()) {
									if (!refRes.equals(rn.getOutSideResource())) {
										param = new VariableDeclaration(refRes.getResourceStateType(), refRes.getResourceName());
										param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("FormParam", "\"" + refRes.getResourceName() + "\""));
								MethodDeclaration update = new MethodDeclaration("update" + srcResName, false, typeVoid, vars);
								for (ChannelMember cm: ((ChannelNode) re.getDestination()).getChannel().getOutputChannelMembers()) {
									if (rn.getInSideResources().contains(cm.getResource())) {
										if (cm.getStateTransition().isRightUnary()) {
											update.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PUT"));
										} else {
											update.addAnnotation(new Annotation("POST"));
								if (re.getDestination().getIndegree() > 1
										|| (re.getDestination().getIndegree() == 1 && ch.getInputChannelMembers().iterator().next().getStateTransition().isRightPartial())) {
									// Declare a field to cache the state of the source resource in the type of the destination resource.
									ResourcePath cacheRes = ((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getOutSideResource();
									component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(cacheRes.getResourceStateType(), srcName, getInitializer(cacheRes)));
									if (re.getDestination().getIndegree() > 1) {
										 // For each source resource, a child resource is defined in the destination resource so that its state can be updated separately.
										update.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Path", "\"/" + srcName + "\""));
//				// Declare a client field to connect to the source resource of reference transfer.
//				if (!bDeclareClientField) {
//					for (ChannelGenerator cg : model.getChannelGenerators()) {
//						DataflowChannelGenerator dcg = ((DataflowChannelGenerator) cg);
//						for (ChannelMember cm : dcg.getOutputChannelMembers()) {
//							if (cm.getIdentifierTemplate().getResourceName().equals(type.getTypeName().toLowerCase())) {
//								if (dcg.getReferenceChannelMembers().size() > 0) {
//									// If there exists one or more reference channel member.
//									type.addField(new FieldDeclaration(typeClient, "client", "ClientBuilder.newClient()"));
//									bDeclareClientField = true;
//									break;
//								}
//							}
//						}
//						if (bDeclareClientField) break;
//					}
//				}
				// Declare the field to store the state in the type of each resource.
				if (((StoreAttribute) rn.getAttribute()).isStored()) {
					ResourcePath res = rn.getOutSideResource();
					Set<ResourceHierarchy> children = rn.getResourceHierarchy().getChildren();
					if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {
						// leaf resource.
						Type fieldType = getImplStateType(res.getResourceHierarchy());
						component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(fieldType, "value", getInitializer(res)));
						constructorParams.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getResourceHierarchy(), new VariableDeclaration(fieldType, toVariableName(resourceName))));
					} else {
						ResourceHierarchy child = children.iterator().next();
						if (children.size() == 1 && child.getNumParameters() > 0) {
							// map or list.
							component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(getImplStateType(res.getResourceHierarchy()), "value", getInitializer(res)));
						} else {
							// class
							for (ResourceHierarchy c: children) {
								String childTypeName = getComponentName(c);
								Type childType = null;
								if (generatesComponent(c)) {
									// The child has a component.
									childType = new Type(childTypeName, childTypeName);
									String fieldName = toVariableName(childTypeName);
									component.addField(new FieldDeclaration(childType, fieldName, getInitializer(res)));							
				// Declare the getter methods to obtain the children resources.
				for (ResourceNode child: rn.getChildren()) {
					if (generatesComponent(child.getResourceHierarchy())) {
						// The child generates a component.
						List<VariableDeclaration> pathParams = new ArrayList<>();
						int v = 1;
						for (Selector pathParam: child.getSelectors()) {
							if (pathParam.getExpression() instanceof Variable) {
								Variable var = (Variable) pathParam.getExpression();
								pathParams.add(new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), var.getName()));
							} else if (pathParam.getExpression() instanceof Term) {
								Term var = (Term) pathParam.getExpression();
								pathParams.add(new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), "v" + v));
						String childCompName = getComponentName(child.getResourceHierarchy());
						Type childType = new Type(childCompName, childCompName);
						MethodDeclaration childGetter = null;
						if (pathParams.size() == 0) {
							childGetter = new MethodDeclaration("get" + childCompName, childType);
						} else {
							childGetter = new MethodDeclaration("get" + childCompName, false, childType, pathParams);
			// Declare the state field and reference fields in the parent component.
			if (component == null) {
				// Declare reference fields for push/pull data transfer.
				boolean bDeclareClientField = false;
				boolean noPullTransfer = true;
				for (Edge resToCh : rn.getOutEdges()) {
					DataFlowEdge re = (DataFlowEdge) resToCh;
					DataTransferChannel ch = ((ChannelNode) re.getDestination()).getChannel();
					for (Edge chToRes: re.getDestination().getOutEdges()) {
						ResourcePath dstRes = ((ResourceNode) chToRes.getDestination()).getOutSideResource();
						boolean outsideOutputResource = false;
						for (ChannelMember cm: ch.getOutputChannelMembers()) {
							if (cm.getResource().getResourceHierarchy().equals(dstRes.getResourceHierarchy()) && cm.isOutside()) {
								outsideOutputResource = true;	// Regarded as push transfer.
						if (outsideOutputResource) {
							// Declare a field in the parent component to refer to the destination resource of push transfer.
							String dstResName = null;
							if (generatesComponent(dstRes.getResourceHierarchy())) {
								dstResName = getComponentName(dstRes.getResourceHierarchy());
							} else {
								dstResName = getComponentName(dstRes.getResourceHierarchy().getParent());
							if (rn.getOutSideResource().getCommonPrefix(dstRes) == null && differentTreesAsDifferentServices) {
								// Inter-service
								if (!bDeclareClientField) {
									// Declare a client field to connect to the destination resource of push transfer.
									FieldDeclaration clientField = new FieldDeclaration(typeClient, "client", "ClientBuilder.newClient()");
									fields.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), clientField));
									bDeclareClientField = true;
							} else {
								// Inner-service
								// Declare a field to directly refer to the destination resource of push transfer.
								FieldDeclaration refFieldForPush = new FieldDeclaration(new Type(dstResName, dstResName), toVariableName(dstResName));
								fields.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), refFieldForPush));
				for (Edge chToRes : rn.getInEdges()) {
					for (Edge resToCh: chToRes.getSource().getInEdges()) {
						DataFlowEdge re = (DataFlowEdge) resToCh;
						ResourcePath srcRes = ((ResourceNode) re.getSource()).getOutSideResource();
						DataTransferChannel ch = ((ChannelNode) re.getDestination()).getChannel();
						boolean outsideInputResource = false;
						for (ChannelMember cm: ch.getInputChannelMembers()) {
							if (cm.getResource().getResourceHierarchy().equals(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy()) && cm.isOutside()) {
								outsideInputResource = true;	// Regarded as pull transfer.
						if (outsideInputResource) {
							// Declare a field in the parent component to refer to the source resource of pull transfer.
							String srcResName = null;
							if (generatesComponent(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy())) {
								srcResName = getComponentName(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy());
							} else {
								srcResName = getComponentName(srcRes.getResourceHierarchy().getParent());
							if (rn.getOutSideResource().getCommonPrefix(srcRes) == null && differentTreesAsDifferentServices) {
								// Inter-service
								if (!bDeclareClientField) {
									// Declare a client field to connect to the source resource of pull transfer.
									FieldDeclaration clientField = new FieldDeclaration(typeClient, "client", "ClientBuilder.newClient()");
									fields.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), clientField));
									bDeclareClientField = true;
							} else {
								// Inner-service								
								// Declare a field to directly refer to the source resource of pull transfer.
								FieldDeclaration refFieldForPull = new FieldDeclaration(new Type(srcResName, srcResName), toVariableName(srcResName));
								fields.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), refFieldForPull));
								noPullTransfer = false;
				// Declare the state field in the parent component.
				ResourceHierarchy res = rn.getOutSideResource().getResourceHierarchy();
				if (((StoreAttribute) rn.getAttribute()).isStored() && noPullTransfer && res.getNumParameters() == 0) {
					String resName = getComponentName(res);
					FieldDeclaration stateField = new FieldDeclaration(res.getResourceStateType(), toVariableName(resName));
					fields.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), stateField));
					constructorParams.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), new VariableDeclaration(res.getResourceStateType(), toVariableName(resName))));
			// Declare the getter method to obtain the resource state in the component of each resource.
			if (component != null) {
				// A component is created for this resource.
				MethodDeclaration stateGetter = new MethodDeclaration("getValue", getImplStateType(rn.getResourceHierarchy()));
				if (rn.getResourceHierarchy().getParent() == null) {
					// Since this getter is also an accessor.
					stateGetter.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Produces", "MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON"));
					stateGetter.addAnnotation(new Annotation("GET"));
			} else {
				// No component is created for this resource.			
				List<VariableDeclaration> pathParams = new ArrayList<>();
				int v = 1;
				for (Selector pathParam: rn.getSelectors()) {
					if (pathParam.getExpression() instanceof Variable) {
						Variable var = (Variable) pathParam.getExpression();
						pathParams.add(new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), var.getName()));
					} else if (pathParam.getExpression() instanceof Term) {
						Term var = (Term) pathParam.getExpression();
						pathParams.add(new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), "v" + v));
				String resCompName = getComponentName(rn.getResourceHierarchy());
				Type resType = getImplStateType(rn.getResourceHierarchy());
				MethodDeclaration stateGetter = null;
				if (pathParams.size() == 0) {
					stateGetter = new MethodDeclaration("get" + resCompName, resType);
				} else {
					stateGetter = new MethodDeclaration("get" + resCompName, false, resType, pathParams);
				getters.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), stateGetter));
			// Declare the getter accessor in the root resource.
			if (rn.getResourceHierarchy().getParent() != null) {
				// For a non-root resource
				MethodDeclaration getterAccessor = null;
				List<VariableDeclaration> mainGetterParams = new ArrayList<>();
				String resourcePath = getGetterResourcePathAndPathParams(rn.getOutSideResource(), mainGetterParams);
				if (resourcePath.indexOf('/') > 0) {
					resourcePath = "\"" + resourcePath.substring(resourcePath.indexOf('/')) + "\"";
				} else {
					resourcePath = "\"" + resourcePath + "\"";
				if (mainGetterParams.size() > 0) {
					getterAccessor = new MethodDeclaration("get" + getComponentName(rn.getResourceHierarchy()) + "Value",
				} else {
					getterAccessor = new MethodDeclaration("get" + getComponentName(rn.getResourceHierarchy()) + "Value",
				getterAccessor.setBody(new Block());
				Expression getState = JerseyCodeGenerator.pullAccessor.getDirectStateAccessorFor(rn.getOutSideResource(), rn.getOutSideResource().getRoot());
				getterAccessor.getBody().addStatement("return " + getState.toImplementation(new String[] {null}) + ";");
				getterAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Produces", "MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON"));
				getterAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("GET"));
				if (rn.getAllSelectors().size() > 0) {
					getterAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Path", resourcePath));
				getterAccessors.put(rn.getResourceHierarchy(), getterAccessor);
			// Declare the input method in each resource and the root resource.
			for (Channel ch : model.getIOChannels()) {
				for (ChannelMember cm : ((DataTransferChannel) ch).getOutputChannelMembers()) {
					if (rn.getInSideResources().contains(cm.getResource())) {
						Expression message = cm.getStateTransition().getMessageExpression();
						if (message instanceof Term) {
							// In each resource.
							ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> resInputParams = new ArrayList<>();
							ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> rootInputParams = new ArrayList<>();
							String resourcePath = getInputMethodResourcePathaAndPathParams(cm.getResource(), resInputParams, rootInputParams);
							if (resourcePath.indexOf('/') > 0) {
								resourcePath = "\"" + resourcePath.substring(resourcePath.indexOf('/')) + "\"";
							} else {
								resourcePath = "\"" + resourcePath + "\"";
							for (Variable var: message.getVariables().values()) {
								String paramName = var.getName();
								VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
								param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
								param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("FormParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
							if (rn.getResourceHierarchy().getParent() != null && rn.getResourceHierarchy().getParent().getParent() != null) {
								MethodDeclaration input = new MethodDeclaration(((Term) message).getSymbol().getImplName(),
																					false, typeVoid, resInputParams);
								if (component != null) {
									// A component is created for this resource.
								} else {
									// No component is created for this resource.
									inputs.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(rn.getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), input));
							// For the root resource.
							String str = ((Term) message).getSymbol().getImplName();
							MethodDeclaration inputAccessor = new MethodDeclaration(str, false, typeVoid, rootInputParams);
							if (cm.getStateTransition().isRightUnary()) {
								inputAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PUT"));
							} else {
								inputAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("POST"));
							if (ch.getAllSelectors().size() > 0) {
								inputAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Path", resourcePath));
							inputAccessors.put(rn.getResourceHierarchy(), inputAccessor);
						} else if (message instanceof Variable) {
							// In each resource.
							ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> resInputParams = new ArrayList<>();
							int v = 1;
							if (cm.getResource().getLastParam() != null) {
								Expression pathParam = cm.getResource().getLastParam();
								if (pathParam instanceof Variable) {
									Variable var = (Variable) pathParam;
									String paramName = var.getName();
									VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
								} else if (pathParam instanceof Term) {
									Term var = (Term) pathParam;
									String paramName = "v" + v;
									VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
							if (cm.getResource().getResourceHierarchy().getParent() != null && cm.getResource().getResourceHierarchy().getParent().getParent() != null) {
								MethodDeclaration input = new MethodDeclaration(((Variable) message).getName(),
																					false, typeVoid, null);
								if (component != null) {
									// A component is created for this resource.
								} else {
									// No component is created for this resource.
									inputs.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(cm.getResource().getParent().getResourceHierarchy(), input));
							// For the root resource.
							ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> rootInputParams = new ArrayList<>();
							String resourcePath = getGetterResourcePathAndPathParams(cm.getResource(), rootInputParams);
							if (resourcePath.indexOf('/') > 0) {
								resourcePath = "\"" + resourcePath.substring(resourcePath.indexOf('/')) + "\"";
							} else {
								resourcePath = "\"" + resourcePath + "\"";
							String str = ((Variable) message).getName();
							MethodDeclaration inputAccessor = new MethodDeclaration(str, false, typeVoid, rootInputParams);
							if (cm.getStateTransition().isRightUnary()) {
								inputAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PUT"));
							} else {
								inputAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("POST"));
							if (ch.getAllSelectors().size() > 0) {
								inputAccessor.addAnnotation(new Annotation("Path", resourcePath));
							inputAccessors.put(rn.getResourceHierarchy(), inputAccessor);
		// Add leaf getter methods to the parent components.
		for (Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration> entry: getters) {
		// Add leaf input methods to the parent components.
		for (Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration> entry: inputs) {
		// Add leaf reference fields to the parent components.
		for (Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, FieldDeclaration> entry: fields) {
			ResourceHierarchy resource = entry.getKey();
			FieldDeclaration field = entry.getValue();
			TypeDeclaration component = resourceComponents.get(resource);
			boolean existsField = false;
			for (FieldDeclaration fld: component.getFields()) {
				if (fld.getName().equals(field.getName())) {
					existsField = true;
			if (!existsField) {
				if (field.getType().equals(typeClient)) {
					for (CompilationUnit cu: codes) {
						if (cu.types().contains(component)) {
							cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("*"));
		// Add constructor parameters to the ancestor components.
		for (ResourceNode root: graph.getRootResourceNodes()) {
			addConstructorParameters(root.getResourceHierarchy(), resourceComponents, resourceConstructors, constructorParams);
		// Add accessors.
		for (ResourceHierarchy rootRes: model.getResourceHierarchies()) {
			if (rootRes.getParent() == null) {
				// root resource
				TypeDeclaration rootComponent = resourceComponents.get(rootRes);
				// Add getter accessors.
				for (ResourceHierarchy res: getterAccessors.keySet()) {
					if (rootRes.isAncestorOf(res)) {
				// Add input accessors.
				for (ResourceHierarchy res: inputAccessors.keySet()) {
					if (rootRes.isAncestorOf(res)) {
		// Declare the Pair class.
		boolean isCreatedPair = false;
		for(Node n : resources) {
			ResourceNode rn = (ResourceNode) n;
			if(isCreatedPair) continue;
			if(model.getType("Pair").isAncestorOf(rn.getResourceStateType())) {
				TypeDeclaration type = new TypeDeclaration("Pair<T>");
				type.addField(new FieldDeclaration(new Type("Double", "T"), "left"));
				type.addField(new FieldDeclaration(new Type("Double", "T"), "right"));
				MethodDeclaration constructor = new MethodDeclaration("Pair", true);
				constructor.addParameter(new VariableDeclaration(new Type("Double", "T"), "left"));
				constructor.addParameter(new VariableDeclaration(new Type("Double", "T"), "right"));
				Block block = new Block();
				block.addStatement("this.left = left;");
				block.addStatement("this.right = right;");
				for(FieldDeclaration field : type.getFields()) {
					MethodDeclaration getter = new MethodDeclaration(
						"get" + field.getName().substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + field.getName().substring(1),
						new Type("Double","T"));
					getter.setBody(new Block());
					getter.getBody().addStatement("return " + field.getName() + ";");
//				MethodDeclaration toStr = new MethodDeclaration("toString", false, DataConstraintModel.typeString, null);
//				block = new Block();
//				block.addStatement("return \"{\\\"\" + left + \"\\\":\\\"\" + right + \"\\\"}\";");
//				toStr.setBody(block);
//				type.addMethod(toStr);
				CompilationUnit	cu = new CompilationUnit(type);
				cu.addImport(new ImportDeclaration("java.util.*"));
				isCreatedPair = true;
		return codes;
	private static List<VariableDeclaration> addConstructorParameters(ResourceHierarchy resource,
			Map<ResourceHierarchy, TypeDeclaration> resourceComponents,
			Map<ResourceHierarchy, MethodDeclaration> resourceConstructors,
			List<Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, VariableDeclaration>> constructorParams) {
		List<VariableDeclaration> params = new ArrayList<>();
		for (ResourceHierarchy child: resource.getChildren()) {
			params.addAll(addConstructorParameters(child, resourceComponents, resourceConstructors, constructorParams));
		for (Map.Entry<ResourceHierarchy, VariableDeclaration> paramEnt: constructorParams) {
			if (paramEnt.getKey().equals(resource)) {
		if (params.size() > 0) {
			MethodDeclaration constructor = resourceConstructors.get(resource);
			if (constructor == null) {
				if (resourceComponents.get(resource) != null) {
					String resourceName = getComponentName(resource);
					constructor = new MethodDeclaration(resourceName, true);
					Block body = new Block();
					resourceConstructors.put(resource, constructor);
			if (constructor != null) {
				for (VariableDeclaration param: params) {
					constructor.getBody().addStatement("this." + toVariableName(param.getName()) + " = " + toVariableName(param.getName()) + ";");
		if (resource.getNumParameters() > 0) params.clear();
		return params;

	private static String getGetterResourcePathAndPathParams(ResourcePath resPath, List<VariableDeclaration> pathParams) {
		int v = 1;
		List<String> params = new ArrayList<>();
		for (Expression pathParam: resPath.getPathParams()) {
			if (pathParam instanceof Variable) {
				Variable var = (Variable) pathParam;
				String paramName = var.getName();
				params.add("{" + paramName + "}");
				VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
				param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PathParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
			} else if (pathParam instanceof Term) {
				Term var = (Term) pathParam;
				String paramName = "v" + v;
				params.add("{" + paramName + "}");
				VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
				param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PathParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
		return resPath.getResourceHierarchy().toResourcePath(params);

	private static String getInputMethodResourcePathaAndPathParams(ResourcePath resPath, ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> resInputParams,
			ArrayList<VariableDeclaration> rootInputParams) {
		int v = 1;
		List<String> params = new ArrayList<>();
		if (resPath.getLastParam() != null) {
			Expression pathParam = resPath.getLastParam();
			if (pathParam instanceof Variable) {
				Variable var = (Variable) pathParam;
				String paramName = var.getName();
				params.add("{" + paramName  + "}");
				VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
				param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
				param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PathParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
			} else if (pathParam instanceof Term) {
				Term var = (Term) pathParam;
				String paramName = "v" + v;
				params.add("{" + paramName  + "}");
				VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
				param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
				param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PathParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
		if (resPath.getParent() != null) {
			for (Expression pathParam: resPath.getParent().getPathParams()) {
				if (pathParam instanceof Variable) {
					Variable var = (Variable) pathParam;
					String paramName = var.getName();
					params.add("{" + paramName  + "}");
					VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
					param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PathParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
				} else if (pathParam instanceof Term) {
					Term var = (Term) pathParam;
					String paramName = "v" + v;
					params.add("{" + paramName  + "}");
					VariableDeclaration param = new VariableDeclaration(var.getType(), paramName);
					param.addAnnotation(new Annotation("PathParam", "\"" + paramName + "\""));
		return resPath.getResourceHierarchy().toResourcePath(params);

	private static String getInitializer(ResourcePath resId) {
		Type stateType = resId.getResourceStateType();
		String initializer = null;
		if (resId.getResourceHierarchy().getInitialValue() != null) {
			initializer = resId.getResourceHierarchy().getInitialValue().toImplementation(new String[] {""});
		} else {
			if (DataConstraintModel.typeList.isAncestorOf(stateType)) {
				initializer = "new " + resId.getResourceStateType().getImplementationTypeName() + "()";
			} else if (DataConstraintModel.typeMap.isAncestorOf(stateType)) {
				initializer = "new " + resId.getResourceStateType().getImplementationTypeName() + "()";
		return initializer;

	static public ArrayList<String> getCodes(ArrayList<TypeDeclaration> codeTree) {
		ArrayList<String> codes = new ArrayList<>();
		for (TypeDeclaration type : codeTree) {
			codes.add("public class " + type.getTypeName() + "{");
			for (FieldDeclaration field : type.getFields()) {
				if (type.getTypeName() != mainTypeName) {
					String cons = "\t" + "private " + field.getType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " "
							+ field.getName();
					if (DataConstraintModel.isListType(field.getType()))
						cons += " = new " + field.getType().getImplementationTypeName() + "()";
					cons += ";";
				} else {
					String cons = "\t" + "private " + field.getType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " "
							+ field.getName() + " = new " + field.getType().getTypeName() + "(";
					cons += ");";
			for (MethodDeclaration method : type.getMethods()) {
				String varstr = "\t" + "public " + method.getReturnType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " "
						+ method.getName() + "(";
				if (method.getParameters() != null) {
					for (VariableDeclaration var : method.getParameters()) {
						varstr += var.getType().getInterfaceTypeName() + " " + var.getName() + ",";
					if (!method.getParameters().isEmpty())
						varstr = varstr.substring(0, varstr.length() - 1);
				if (method.getBody() != null) {
					for (String str : method.getBody().getStatements()) {
						codes.add("\t\t" + str + ";");
				codes.add(varstr + ")" + "{");
				codes.add("\t" + "}");
		return codes;

	static public IResourceStateAccessor pushAccessor = new IResourceStateAccessor() {
		public Expression getCurrentStateAccessorFor(ChannelMember target, ChannelMember from) {
			ResourcePath targetRes = target.getResource();
			ResourcePath fromRes = from.getResource();
			if (targetRes.equals(fromRes)) {
				return new Field("value",
						targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
								: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
			// use the cached value as the current state
			return new Field(targetRes.getResourceName(),
					targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);

		public Expression getNextStateAccessorFor(ChannelMember target, ChannelMember from) {
			ResourcePath targetRes = target.getResource();
			return new Parameter(targetRes.getResourceName(),
					targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);

		public Expression getDirectStateAccessorFor(ResourcePath targetRes, ResourcePath fromRes) {
			if (fromRes != null && targetRes.equals(fromRes)) {
				return new Field("value",
						targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
								: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
			return null;
	static public IResourceStateAccessor pullAccessor = new IResourceStateAccessor() {
		public Expression getCurrentStateAccessorFor(ChannelMember target, ChannelMember from) {
			ResourcePath targetRes = target.getResource();
			if (from != null && !target.isOutside()) {
				ResourcePath fromRes = from.getResource();
				if (targetRes.getCommonPrefix(fromRes) != null) {
					return getDirectStateAccessorFor(targetRes, fromRes);
			// for reference channel member
			return new Parameter(targetRes.getResourceName(),
					targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);

		public Expression getNextStateAccessorFor(ChannelMember target, ChannelMember from) {
			ResourcePath targetRes = target.getResource();
			if (from != null && !target.isOutside()) {
				ResourcePath fromRes = from.getResource();
				if (targetRes.getCommonPrefix(fromRes) != null) {
					return getDirectStateAccessorFor(targetRes, fromRes);
			return new Parameter(targetRes.getResourceName(),
					targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
		public Expression getDirectStateAccessorFor(ResourcePath targetRes, ResourcePath fromRes) {
			if (fromRes != null && !fromRes.getResourceHierarchy().isAncestorOf(targetRes.getResourceHierarchy())) {
				if (targetRes.equals(fromRes)) {
					return new Field("value",
							targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
									: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
				// for reference channel member
				return new Parameter(targetRes.getResourceName(),
						targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
								: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
			} else {
				// access from an ancestor or outside of the hierarchy
				Stack<ResourcePath> pathStack = new Stack<>();
				ResourcePath curPath = targetRes;
				do {
					if (fromRes != null && curPath.equals(fromRes)) break;
					curPath = curPath.getParent();					
				} while (curPath != null);
				// iterate from the `from' resource
				Term getter = null;
				int v = 1;
				while (!pathStack.empty()) {
					curPath = pathStack.pop();
					String typeName = getComponentName(curPath.getResourceHierarchy());
					if (getter == null && fromRes == null) {
						// root resource
						String fieldName = toVariableName(typeName);
						getter = new Field(fieldName, new Type(typeName, typeName));
					} else {
						Term newGetter = new Term(new Symbol("get" + typeName, -1, Symbol.Type.METHOD));
						if (curPath.getResourceHierarchy().getNumParameters() > 0) {
							Variable var = null;
							Expression param = curPath.getLastParam();
							if (param instanceof Variable) {
								var = (Variable) param;
							} else if (param instanceof Term) {
								var = new Variable("v" + v, ((Term) param).getType());
							if (var != null) {
						getter = newGetter;
				if (generatesComponent(targetRes.getResourceHierarchy())) {
					Term newGetter = new Term(new Symbol("getValue", 1, Symbol.Type.METHOD));
					getter = newGetter;
				return getter;
	static public IResourceStateAccessor refAccessor = new IResourceStateAccessor() {
		public Expression getCurrentStateAccessorFor(ChannelMember target, ChannelMember from) {
			ResourcePath targetRes = target.getResource();
			ResourcePath fromRes = from.getResource();
			if (targetRes.equals(fromRes)) {
				return new Field("value",
						targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
								: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
			// for reference channel member
			return new Parameter(targetRes.getResourceName(),
					targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);

		public Expression getNextStateAccessorFor(ChannelMember target, ChannelMember from) {
			ResourcePath targetRes = target.getResource();
			return new Parameter(targetRes.getResourceName(),
					targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
							: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);

		public Expression getDirectStateAccessorFor(ResourcePath targetRes, ResourcePath fromRes) {
			if (fromRes != null && targetRes.equals(fromRes)) {
				return new Field("value",
						targetRes.getResourceStateType() != null ? targetRes.getResourceStateType()
								: DataConstraintModel.typeInt);
			return null;