ToDoApp / app / src / main / java / keijumt / todoapp / databinding / SingleLiveEvent.kt
package keijumt.todoapp.databinding

import android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
import android.arch.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import android.arch.lifecycle.Observer
import android.util.Log
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean

 * A lifecycle-aware observable that sends only new updates after subscription, used for events like
 * navigation and Snackbar messages.
 * This avoids a common problem with events: on configuration change (like rotation) an update
 * can be emitted if the observer is active. This LiveData only calls the observable if there's an
 * explicit call to setValue() or call().
 * Note that only one observer is going to be notified of changes.
class SingleLiveEvent<T> : MutableLiveData<T>() {

    private val mPending = AtomicBoolean(false)

    override fun observe(owner: LifecycleOwner, observer: Observer<T>) {

        if (hasActiveObservers()) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Multiple observers registered but only one will be notified of changes.")

        // Observe the internal MutableLiveData
        super.observe(owner, Observer { t ->
            if (mPending.compareAndSet(true, false)) {

    override fun setValue(t: T?) {

     * Used for cases where T is Void, to make calls cleaner.
    fun call() {
        value = null

    companion object {

        private val TAG = "SingleLiveEvent"