Apply sample Array, Collection, Create trace. 1
#1 opened on 14 Apr 2020 by a-hongo
Apply sampleStatic.trace #2. 1
#4 opened on 17 Apr 2020 by a-hongo
Test ToyProgram 0
#8 opened on 15 Sep 2020 by a-hongo
オブジェクト参照を表す有向辺を曲線にした。 0
#9 opened on 15 Sep 2020 by n-nitta
#7 Tested pre_Exp3,5,6 trace. 0
#10 opened on 17 Sep 2020 by a-hongo
Test ToyProgram 0
#11 opened on 20 Sep 2020 by a-hongo
DrawingOrder 0
#12 opened on 1 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
DrawingOrder:FrameとViewerの設計変更 0
#13 opened on 5 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
ChangeAliasCollector:Change DeltaAliasCollector to DeltaAliasTracker. 0
#14 opened on 5 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
collaborationViewer: Migrating from DeltaViewer to CollaborationViewer. 0
#15 opened on 5 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
ExtractedStructure クラスの代用として、DeltaObjectCallGraph クラスを作成した。 0
#16 opened on 6 Dec 2020 by n-nitta
methodExecutionName: Remove package name & argument signature from method name. 0
#17 opened on 7 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
Change DeltaAliasCollector not to use changeTrackingObject(). 0
#18 opened on 8 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
collaborationViewer: Create CollaborationAliasCollector to merge multiple delta aliasList. 0
#19 opened on 12 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
デルタ専用のレイアウトアルゴリズムの作成。既存のレイアウトアルゴリズムと完全互換。 0
#20 opened on 13 Dec 2020 by n-nitta
collaborationViewer: Implement CollaborationAliasCollector#merge(IAliasCollector). 0
#21 opened on 17 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
collaborationObjectCallGraph: Implement CollaborationObjectCallGraph#merge(ExtractedStructure) #22 0
#23 opened on 17 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
Layoutの指定方法の修正. CollaborationLayoutクラスの追加. 0
#24 opened on 17 Dec 2020 by n-nitta
collaborationViewer: #22 Implement CollaborationViewer#doLastAnimation, 0
#25 opened on 19 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
ForwardLayout 0
#26 opened on 20 Dec 2020 by n-nitta
レイアウトが左右に広がるように修正。 0
#27 opened on 20 Dec 2020 by n-nitta
collaborationViewer: #22 Migrate CollaborationViewer from DeltaViewer of MagnetRONFrame. 0
#28 opened on 20 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
collaborationViewer: #22 Fix bug call timing CollaborationViewer#doLastAnimation(), 0
#29 opened on 22 Dec 2020 by a-hongo
順方向マグネトロンの途中で止まる不具合を修正 0
#30 opened on 22 Dec 2020 by n-nitta
collaborationViewer: #22 Fix bug create two same vertices. 0
#31 opened on 24 Dec 2020 by a-hongo