History for MagnetRON / src / org / ntlab / deltaViewer
Fixed bug in IndexOutOfBoundsException and the algorithm of ...
Aki Hongo committed on 8 Sep 2021
Fixed bug in the algorithm in DeltaAliasCollector# ...
Aki Hongo committed on 7 Sep 2021
Implemented to create edge of object reference when final local.
Aki Hongo committed on 7 Sep 2021
This-Another (Parameter) の参照生成後のアニメーションが動いていなかったのを修正.
Naoya Nitta committed on 7 Sep 2021
doLastAmination() も This-Another 型の Another が仮引数であった場合に対応した.
Naoya Nitta committed on 7 Sep 2021
Naoya Nitta committed on 7 Sep 2021
Merge pull request #49 from nitta-lab/forAspectJTrace ...
Hongo Aki committed on 7 Sep 2021
Added waitAnimationEnd() before ACTUAL_ARGUMENT animation start. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 6 Sep 2021
Fixed bug that Y coordinate of ObjectVertex overlap with MethodExecution ...
Aki Hongo committed on 6 Sep 2021
Implemented method to wait until MagnetRONAnimation#play() finish ...
Aki Hongo committed on 6 Sep 2021
Fixed bugs related to parents and children. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 4 Sep 2021
Naoya Nitta committed on 4 Sep 2021
Animate resizing and translating animation in parallel. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 3 Sep 2021
1) AspectJ 対応のための作業: ...
Naoya Nitta committed on 26 Aug 2021
1) AspectJ版(PlainText版)のデルタ抽出でもエイリアスを収集できるようにした. ...
Naoya Nitta committed on 26 Aug 2021
#5 Implemented so that method call and return value, ...
Aki Hongo committed on 20 Aug 2021
Created folders for Japanese and English magnet files. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 8 Aug 2021
Enabled to change the language of names such as MenuBar.
Aki Hongo committed on 8 Aug 2021
Translated names such as MenuBars and features into English.
Aki Hongo committed on 7 Aug 2021
#22 Change to call method execution such as addElement(), add() in ...
Aki Hongo committed on 30 Dec 2020
Revise delta extract type of tiny problems.
Aki Hongo committed on 29 Dec 2020
Revise .magnet files. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 29 Dec 2020
Add .magnet of tiny problems and put together in magnetFiles. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 29 Dec 2020
#5 Fix bug by removing all cells when resuming animation.
Aki Hongo committed on 29 Dec 2020
Aki Hongo committed on 29 Dec 2020
#22 Fix bug in ArgoUML Select(1)&2 by giving priority to isCreation() ...
Aki Hongo committed on 29 Dec 2020
#5 Add JToolButton to operate animation like resume, pause, stop. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 28 Dec 2020
Merge pull request #41 from nitta-lab/doLastAnimation ...
Naoya Nitta committed on 28 Dec 2020
Merge pull request #40 from nitta-lab/fileOpen ...
Hongo Aki committed on 28 Dec 2020
Draw red edge when creating object reference. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 28 Dec 2020