2021-09-13 |
#59 Implemented to auto-track animating cells
using MagnetRONViewer #scroll~().
Added AutoTrackingAction class.
2021-08-08 |
Created folders for Japanese and English magnet files.
Changed filename extension from .txt to .trace.
Enabled to change the language of names such as MenuBar.
2021-08-07 |
Translated names such as MenuBars and features into English.
2020-12-29 |
Add .magnet of tiny problems and put together in magnetFiles.
Not to overlap with MethodExecutionVertex when updating size of
2020-12-28 |
Extract and feature information is allowed to be read from .magnet
2020-12-25 |
2020-12-24 |
1. IMagnetRONのインタフェースの修正
2. StartAmimationActionおよびMagnetRONFrameの修正
3. アニメーションメニューへの「終了」の追加および、StopAnimationActionの追加
4. mxGraphComponentのサイズが常にウィンドウサイズに合うように修正
2020-12-23 |
Operate to start animation in animationMenu.
Add Extract and Feature Class extracted from .magnet File.
Construct MenuBar like fileMane, animationMenu etc. in MagnetRONMenuBar.
Create AbstractFrameAction, OpenAction, StartAnimationAction.