2021-08-26 |
1) AspectJ 対応のための作業:
・AspectJ ではフィールド名を取得できないため,フィールド名がなくても動作するように MagnetRON 側を対応.
2) 昨日抽出の適正化と高速化:
3) デルタ抽出の不具合修正:
・MethodExecution#getObjectReferences() で,メソッドが戻り値を返さない場合のことを考慮していなかった.
・this-to-another 型のデルタ抽出で,指定するトレースポイントがメソッドの先頭だった場合正しく抽出できない不具合を修正.
1) AspectJ版(PlainText版)のデルタ抽出でもエイリアスを収集できるようにした.
2) MagnetRONファイルのフォーマットに,"format"属性を追加した.(PlainText版のトレースファイルを読めるように.)
3) 不具合の修正.
2021-08-08 |
Created folders for Japanese and English magnet files.
Changed filename extension from .txt to .trace.
Enabled to change the language of names such as MenuBar.
2021-08-07 |
Translated names such as MenuBars and features into English.
2020-12-29 |
Revise delta extract type of tiny problems.
Revise .magnet files.
Reset MagnetRONFrame#open(), MagnetRONViewer#updateObjectVertices().
Add .magnet of tiny problems and put together in magnetFiles.
Not to overlap with MethodExecutionVertex when updating size of
2020-12-28 |
#5 Add JToolButton to operate animation like resume, pause, stop.
DeltaAnimation's unused ThreadPool shutdown.
Extract and feature information is allowed to be read from .magnet
2020-12-26 |
#22 Fix bug in JHotDrawSelect multiple deltas,
by creating MethodExecutionVertex for MethodExecution not only
#36 To replace relatedPoints with shrink MethodExecution in this-another
, Add CollaborationObjectCallGraph#replaceRelatedPoints(),
Fix bug by setting return value in new MethodExecution of
2020-12-25 |
2020-12-24 |
1. IMagnetRONのインタフェースの修正
2. StartAmimationActionおよびMagnetRONFrameの修正
3. アニメーションメニューへの「終了」の追加および、StopAnimationActionの追加
4. mxGraphComponentのサイズが常にウィンドウサイズに合うように修正
2020-12-23 |
Operate to start animation in animationMenu.
Add Extract and Feature Class extracted from .magnet File.
Construct MenuBar like fileMane, animationMenu etc. in MagnetRONMenuBar.
Create AbstractFrameAction, OpenAction, StartAnimationAction.
2020-12-21 |
#22 Fix bug call timing Collaboration#doLastAnimationand(),
and too remove MethodExecution in Collaboration#doLastAnimation.
Fix bug in Alias#getTimeStamp() when occurencePoint#isValid().
2020-12-19 |
#22 Migrate CollaborationViewer from DeltaViewer of MagnetRONFrame.
Create MagnetRONViewer#getRelatedInformation return value is reference
and FieldName.
2020-12-16 |
Implement CollaborationAliasCollector#merge(IAliasCollector).
Add CollaborationAliasCollectorTest and
CollaborationAliasCollector#sort(), Alias#getTimeStamp(), sample of
plural delta.
2020-12-07 |
Change DeltaAliasCollector not to use changeTrackingObject().
Change MagnetRONFrame to use DeltaAliasCollector instead of
Remove package name & argument signature from method name.
(when constractor etc.)
2020-12-04 |
Change DeltaAliasCollector to DeltaAliasTracker.
Add MagnetRONFrame extends JFrame, Change to DeltaViewer extends JPanel,
DeltaViewerSample is Main method.