2020-09-16 |
#7 Tested pre_Exp3,5,6 trace.
Add curved edge drawing when 3control points on the side.
Change occurrencePoint.getMethodExecution().getSignature() in
2020-09-15 |
Reflect update of traceAnalyzer in MagnetRON.
Add trace files related to MagnetRON Experiments.
2020-08-14 |
#7 Tested pre_Exp1,2,4,7 trace.
#5 Fix DeltaViewer#doLastAnimation() to remove Argument,
Local when method execution finished<pre_Exp1,2>.
2020-07-31 |
#7 Finished testing ArgoUML shape selection trace.
Tidy up DeltaViewerSample.java and Adjustment when static class methods.
2020-05-11 |
#7 Testing ArgoUML shape selection trace.
Change DeltaViewerSample#createObjectVertexOnConstructor() so that the
sourceCell refers to the absolute position.
Implemented DeltaViewerSample#createObjectReference()
for Collection.
2020-04-30 |
Change ObjectIdPair to AliasPair and testing ArgoUMLSelect0_1.
2020-04-17 |
Apply sampleStatic.trace #2 and ObjectVertex move to follow
MethodExecutionVertex when resize ObjectVertex #3.
2020-04-13 |
Apply sampleCreate.trace, and Add aliasToObjIdPairMap<Alias,
ObjectIdPair> put when call DeltaAliasCollector#changeTrackingObject().
2020-04-10 |
Apply trace sampleArray and sampleCollection.