History for MagnetRON / src / org / ntlab
1) Eclipse (Debug All) がそれなりにレイアウトできるよう修正する.(特に static method 間 ...
Naoya Nitta committed on 13 Sep 2021
dummySystem ブランチの修正作業が2日続けても完了の目途が立たなかったので,最小限の修正で対応することを目指す.
Naoya Nitta committed on 12 Sep 2021
Changed to objectId.startsWith("0:") from objectId.matches("0").
Aki Hongo committed on 11 Sep 2021
Forgot to commit #57.
Aki Hongo committed on 10 Sep 2021
Changed to replace objectId with objectId:className for static object ...
Aki Hongo committed on 10 Sep 2021
Merge branch 'master' of http://nitta-lab-www.is.konan-u.ac.jp/gitbucket/git/nitta-lab/MagnetRON.git into static_class
Aki Hongo committed on 10 Sep 2021
Naoya Nitta committed on 10 Sep 2021
Consider the order of RECEIVER and CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION aliases when a ...
Naoya Nitta committed on 10 Sep 2021
- Shrink access$..() method invocations. ...
Naoya Nitta committed on 9 Sep 2021
Enable to connect disjunct call hierarchies.
n-nitta committed on 8 Sep 2021
Merge branch 'master' of http://nitta-lab-www.is.konan-u.ac.jp/gitbucket/git/nitta-lab/MagnetRON.git into static_class
Aki Hongo committed on 8 Sep 2021
Implemented so that multiple static ObjectVertex can be created ...
Aki Hongo committed on 8 Sep 2021
Fixed bug in IndexOutOfBoundsException and the algorithm of ...
Aki Hongo committed on 8 Sep 2021
Fixed bug in the algorithm in DeltaAliasCollector# ...
Aki Hongo committed on 7 Sep 2021
Merge pull request #51 from nitta-lab/aliasForStaticInvocation ...
Hongo Aki committed on 8 Sep 2021
Implemented to create edge of object reference when final local.
Aki Hongo committed on 7 Sep 2021
Naoya Nitta committed on 7 Sep 2021
This-Another (Parameter) の参照生成後のアニメーションが動いていなかったのを修正.
Naoya Nitta committed on 7 Sep 2021
doLastAmination() も This-Another 型の Another が仮引数であった場合に対応した.
Naoya Nitta committed on 7 Sep 2021
Naoya Nitta committed on 7 Sep 2021
Merge pull request #49 from nitta-lab/forAspectJTrace ...
Hongo Aki committed on 7 Sep 2021
Added waitAnimationEnd() before ACTUAL_ARGUMENT animation start. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 6 Sep 2021
Fixed bug that Y coordinate of ObjectVertex overlap with MethodExecution ...
Aki Hongo committed on 6 Sep 2021
Implemented method to wait until MagnetRONAnimation#play() finish ...
Aki Hongo committed on 6 Sep 2021
Eclipseデバッグ機能の抽出デルタをソースコードの追跡と対応するように精密化. ...
Naoya Nitta committed on 5 Sep 2021
Fixed bugs related to parents and children. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 4 Sep 2021
final ローカル変数への参照のエイリアスを収集できていなかったのを修正.
Naoya Nitta committed on 4 Sep 2021
Naoya Nitta committed on 4 Sep 2021
Naoya Nitta committed on 4 Sep 2021
Animate resizing and translating animation in parallel. ...
Aki Hongo committed on 3 Sep 2021