2020-12-28 |
Draw red edge when creating object reference.
#3 Comment out entry and exitPerimeter, orderCells of edge.
Merge pull request #39 from nitta-lab/doLastAnimation
doLastAnimation: #36 Fix bug in JHotDraw Transform & Select, References wasn't shrunk.
I'll check after merged.
Merge pull request #38 from nitta-lab/doLastAnimation
doLastAnimation: Fix bug in JHotDrawSelect, JHotDrawTransform.
I will confirm after it is merged.
Extract and feature information is allowed to be read from .magnet
#36 Fix bug in JHotDraw Transform & Select, References wasn't shrunk.
#3 Fix bug by always drawing the MethodExecutionVertex in foreground.
2020-12-27 |
#36 Fix bug in JHotDrawTransform, don't shrink References too much.
Merge pull request #37 from nitta-lab/shrinkAliases
shrinkAliases: #36 Implemented to shrink Alias and Reference such as Iterator and Entry.
I've confirmed.
2020-12-26 |
#22 Fix bug in JHotDrawSelect multiple deltas,
by creating MethodExecutionVertex for MethodExecution not only
#36 To replace relatedPoints with shrink MethodExecution in this-another
, Add CollaborationObjectCallGraph#replaceRelatedPoints(),
Fix bug by setting return value in new MethodExecution of
Merge pull request #35 from nitta-lab/viewControl
表示メニューのコマンドを追加した。 その他若干の修正。
2020-12-25 |
Merge branch 'master' of http://nitta-lab-www.is.konan-u.ac.jp/gitbucket/git/nitta-lab/MagnetRON.git into shrinkAliases
#36 Implement CollaboratoinObjectCallGraph#shrinkAll() to
shrink references of Iterator etc. and implement
Add test CollaboratoinObjectCallGraphTest#shrinkAll().
#36 Implement DeltaAliasCollector#shrink() to shrink alias
of Iterator etc. and implement collectStandardMethodInvocations(),
Add DeltaAliasCollectorTest to test DeltaAliasCollector#shrink().
Merge pull request #34 from nitta-lab/magnetronControl
UI用の設計変更の続き 確認しました。ありがとうございます。マージします。
2020-12-24 |
Merge branch 'master' of http://nitta-lab-www.is.konan-u.ac.jp/gitbucket/git/nitta-lab/MagnetRON.git into shrinkAliases
Add CollaborationObjectCallGraph#shrinkAll() and
DeltaAliasCollector#shrink() to shrink Iterator, Entry, etc.
1. IMagnetRONのインタフェースの修正
2. StartAmimationActionおよびMagnetRONFrameの修正
3. アニメーションメニューへの「終了」の追加および、StopAnimationActionの追加
4. mxGraphComponentのサイズが常にウィンドウサイズに合うように修正
Merge pull request #33 from nitta-lab/constructMenu
constructMenu: Add IMagnetRON to accept open(File), doExtract(Feature), startAnimation().
OK! I've confirmed again.
Merge pull request #32 from nitta-lab/constructMenu
constructMenu: Construct MenuBar, allow users to operate to start animation from the animation menu.
I've confirmed together.
Merge pull request #31 from nitta-lab/collaborationViwer
collaborationViewer: #22 Fix bug create two same vertices.
I've confirmed.
2020-12-23 |
Add IMagnetRON to accept open(File), doExtract(Feature),
Operate to start animation in animationMenu.
Add Extract and Feature Class extracted from .magnet File.
Construct MenuBar like fileMane, animationMenu etc. in MagnetRONMenuBar.
Create AbstractFrameAction, OpenAction, StartAnimationAction.
#22 Fix bug create two same vertices
in CollaborationViewer#createObjectVertices().
2020-12-22 |
Merge pull request #30 from nitta-lab/fixForwardBugs
Merge pull request #29 from nitta-lab/collaborationViwer
collaborationViewer: #22 Fix bug call timing CollaborationViewer#doLastAnimation(),
No look merge again.
2020-12-21 |
#22 Fix bug call timing Collaboration#doLastAnimationand(),
and too remove MethodExecution in Collaboration#doLastAnimation.
Fix bug in Alias#getTimeStamp() when occurencePoint#isValid().