package application.layouts; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.mxgraph.layout.mxGraphLayout; import com.mxgraph.model.mxCell; import com.mxgraph.model.mxGeometry; import com.mxgraph.model.mxIGraphModel; import com.mxgraph.view.mxCellState; import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph; import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraphView; public class DAGLayout extends mxGraphLayout { private mxIGraphModel graphModel; private mxGraphView view; private Map<mxCell, Set<mxCell>> dotEdges; private List<List<mxCell>> paths; private List<Integer> order; private Map<mxCell, List<mxCell>> orderInResourceHierarchy; private Set<Integer> usedPathIndex; private List<mxCell> cells; private Set<mxCell> roots; private Map<mxCell, mxCell> resourceToRoot; private Set<mxCell> resources; private Set<mxCell> channels; private Set<mxCell> eventChannels; private Map<mxCell, List<Integer>> vertexToDepths; private Map<mxCell, List<Integer>> cellToPathIndex; private Map<mxCell, Map<String, Double>> cellGeo; final double MOVE_X = 100; final double MOVE_Y = 50; final double WIDTH = 80; final double HEIGHT = 30; final double SHIFT = WIDTH / 4; final double SPACE = 10; final double MARGIN_WIDTH = 30; final double MARGIN_HEIGHT = 30; final double delta = Math.pow(10, -3); public DAGLayout(mxGraph graph) { super(graph); graphModel = graph.getModel(); view = graph.getView(); dotEdges = new HashMap<>(); paths = new ArrayList<>(); order = new ArrayList<>(); orderInResourceHierarchy = new HashMap<>(); usedPathIndex = new HashSet<>(); cells = new ArrayList<>(); roots = new HashSet<>(); resourceToRoot = new HashMap<>(); resources = new HashSet<>(); channels = new HashSet<>(); eventChannels = new HashSet<>(); vertexToDepths = new HashMap<>(); cellToPathIndex = new HashMap<>(); cellGeo = new HashMap<>(); } public void execute(Object rootCell) { graphModel.beginUpdate(); try { // Initialize cells, roots, channels and eventChannels fields. for (int i = 0; i < graphModel.getChildCount(rootCell); i++) { mxCell cell = (mxCell) graphModel.getChildAt(rootCell, i); if (graphModel.isVertex(cell)) { mxCellState state = view.getState(cell); cells.add(cell); if ("ellipse".equals(state.getStyle().get("shape"))) { // If the cell represents a root resource. roots.add(cell); orderInResourceHierarchy.put(cell, new ArrayList<>()); traverseResourceHierarchy(cell, cell, 0); } if ("rectangle".equals(state.getStyle().get("shape"))) { // If the cell represents a root channel. if ("true".equals(state.getStyle().get("dashed"))) { continue; } boolean bEventChannel = true; for (int j = 0; j < cell.getEdgeCount(); j++) { mxCell edge = (mxCell) cell.getEdgeAt(j); if (edge.getTarget() == cell) { bEventChannel = false; } } if (bEventChannel) { // If the cell represents a root event channel. eventChannels.add(cell); } else { channels.add(cell); } orderInResourceHierarchy.put(cell, new ArrayList<>()); } } } // For all cells for (mxCell c : cells) { c.getGeometry().setX(0); c.getGeometry().setY(0); if (resources.contains(c)) { // For a resource cell. view.getState(c).getStyle().put("verticalAlign", "top"); c.getGeometry().setWidth(WIDTH); c.getGeometry().setHeight(HEIGHT); } } // Initialize dotEdges. for (mxCell c : cells) { dotEdges.put(c, new HashSet<>()); } for (mxCell eventCh : eventChannels) { List<mxCell> newPath = new ArrayList<mxCell>(); paths.add(newPath); constructPaths(eventCh, 0); } recalcDepths(); for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { for (mxCell cell : paths.get(i)) { if (cellToPathIndex.get(cell) == null) { cellToPathIndex.put(cell, new ArrayList<>()); } cellToPathIndex.get(cell).add(i); } } sortPaths(); boolean isVersion1 = true; System.out.println(vertexToDepths); if (isVersion1) { layout1((mxCell) rootCell); } else { layout2((mxCell) rootCell); } } finally { graphModel.endUpdate(); } } public void traverseResourceHierarchy(mxCell rootResourceCell, mxCell curResourceCell, int layer) { resourceToRoot.put(curResourceCell, rootResourceCell); resources.add(curResourceCell); if (rootResourceCell != curResourceCell) { orderInResourceHierarchy.get(rootResourceCell).add(curResourceCell); } int childNum = graphModel.getChildCount(curResourceCell); for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) { mxCell childCell = (mxCell) graphModel.getChildAt(curResourceCell, i); cells.add(childCell); resources.add(childCell); traverseResourceHierarchy(rootResourceCell, childCell, layer + 1); } } public void constructPaths(mxCell curCell, int depth) { if (vertexToDepths.get(curCell) == null) { vertexToDepths.put(curCell, Arrays.asList(depth, depth)); } else { List<Integer> depths = vertexToDepths.get(curCell); depths.set(0, Math.max(depths.get(0), depth)); depths.set(1, depths.get(0)); } paths.get(paths.size() - 1).add(curCell); int branchCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < curCell.getEdgeCount(); i++) { mxCell edge = (mxCell) curCell.getEdgeAt(i); mxCellState state = view.getState(edge); mxCell dstCell = (mxCell) edge.getTarget(); if ((curCell != dstCell) && (dstCell != null)) { if ("true".equals(state.getStyle().get("dashed"))) { state.getStyle().put("strokeColor", "#800080"); dotEdges.get(curCell).add(dstCell); } else { branchCount++; if (branchCount > 1) { // If a branch is found. List<mxCell> newPath = new ArrayList<mxCell>(paths.get(paths.size() - 1)); while (newPath.get(newPath.size() - 1).getId() != curCell.getId()) { newPath.remove(newPath.size() - 1); } paths.add(newPath); constructPaths(dstCell, depth + 1); } else { constructPaths(dstCell, depth + 1); } } } } } public void recalcDepths() { while (true) { boolean isUpdated = false; for (List<mxCell> path : paths) { for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); i++) { mxCell curCell = path.get(i); mxCell prevCell = path.get(i - 1); if (!(resources.contains(curCell) && resources.contains(prevCell))) { // An edge from a resource to a channel if (vertexToDepths.get(curCell).get(0) < vertexToDepths.get(prevCell).get(1) + 1) { List<Integer> dists = vertexToDepths.get(curCell); dists.set(1, Math.max(dists.get(0), dists.get(1))); dists.set(0, vertexToDepths.get(prevCell).get(1) + 1); isUpdated = true; } } } } for (mxCell rootCell : roots) { // For all resource cells included in (under) the root resource cell. for (mxCell cell : orderInResourceHierarchy.get(rootCell)) { mxCell parentCell = (mxCell) graphModel.getParent(cell); if (!vertexToDepths.containsKey(cell)) { if (vertexToDepths.get(parentCell) != null) vertexToDepths.put(cell, Arrays.asList(vertexToDepths.get(parentCell).get(0), vertexToDepths.get(parentCell).get(0))); } else { if (vertexToDepths.get(parentCell) != null && vertexToDepths.get(parentCell).get(0) > vertexToDepths.get(cell).get(0)) { List<Integer> dists = vertexToDepths.get(cell); dists.set(1, Math.max(dists.get(0), dists.get(1))); dists.set(0, vertexToDepths.get(parentCell).get(0)); isUpdated = true; } if (vertexToDepths.get(parentCell) != null && vertexToDepths.get(parentCell).get(1) < vertexToDepths.get(cell).get(1)) { List<Integer> dists = vertexToDepths.get(parentCell); dists.set(1, vertexToDepths.get(cell).get(1)); isUpdated = true; } } } } if (!isUpdated) { break; } } } public void sortPaths() { for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) { List<mxCell> path = paths.get(i); if (path.size() > 1 && roots.contains(path.get(1))) { for (mxCell c : path) { addPath(c); } } } } public void addPath(mxCell c) { if (cellToPathIndex.get(c) != null) { for (int i : cellToPathIndex.get(c)) { if (!usedPathIndex.contains(i)) { order.add(i); } usedPathIndex.add(i); } } for (int i = 0; i < graphModel.getChildCount(c); i++) { mxCell child = (mxCell) graphModel.getChildAt(c, i); addPath(child); } } public void layout1(mxCell s) { Set<mxCell> movedSet = new HashSet<>(); Map<Integer, List<mxCell>> movedMap = new TreeMap<>(); Map<Integer, Double> distToMaxX = new HashMap<>(); double maxY = 0; int maxD = 0; putCellGeo(s, 0, 0); for (mxCell c : cells) { if (vertexToDepths.get(c) != null) maxD = Math.max(maxD, vertexToDepths.get(c).get(1)); } distToMaxX.put(-1, 0.0); for (int d = 0; d <= maxD; d++) { movedMap.put(d, new ArrayList<>()); distToMaxX.put(d, -1.0); } for (int i : order) { double centerY = -1; for (mxCell cur : paths.get(i)) { if (movedSet.contains(cur)) { continue; } int d = vertexToDepths.get(cur).get(0); double x = distToMaxX.get(d - 1) + MOVE_X; double endX = 0; double endY = 0; if (roots.contains(cur) || channels.contains(cur) || eventChannels.contains(cur)) { if (centerY == -1) { centerY = maxY + MOVE_Y + cur.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; } double y = centerY - cur.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; double ny = y; double nx = x; for (mxCell m : movedSet) { if (roots.contains(m) || channels.contains(m)) { if (cellOverlap(m.getGeometry().getX(), m.getGeometry().getY(), m.getGeometry().getWidth(), m.getGeometry().getHeight(), x, y, cur.getGeometry().getWidth(), cur.getGeometry().getHeight())) { ny = m.getGeometry().getY() + m.getGeometry().getHeight() + MOVE_Y; } } } cur.getGeometry().setX(nx); cur.getGeometry().setY(ny); endX = nx + cur.getGeometry().getWidth(); endY = ny + cur.getGeometry().getHeight(); putCellGeo(cur, nx, ny); addMoved(movedSet, movedMap, cur, d); graphModel.setGeometry(cur, (mxGeometry) cur.getGeometry().clone()); if (distToMaxX.get(d) < endX) { updateDistToMaxX(distToMaxX, movedSet, movedMap, d, maxD, endX); } maxY = Math.max(maxY, endY); // For all resource cells included in (under) the root resource cell. for (mxCell c : orderInResourceHierarchy.get(cur)) { d = vertexToDepths.get(c).get(0); nx = x; mxCell parent = (mxCell) graphModel.getParent(c); if (d == vertexToDepths.get(parent).get(0)) { nx = cellGeo.get(parent).get("x") + MARGIN_WIDTH; } else { nx = distToMaxX.get(d - 1) + MOVE_X; } double brotherMaxY = MOVE_Y; for (int k = 0; k < graphModel.getChildCount(parent); k++) { mxCell child = (mxCell) graphModel.getChildAt(parent, k); if (child == c) { continue; } if (movedSet.contains(child) && (vertexToDepths.get(child).get(0) <= d && d <= vertexToDepths.get(child).get(1))) { brotherMaxY = Math.max(brotherMaxY, child.getGeometry().getY() + child.getGeometry().getHeight() + SPACE); } } c.getGeometry().setX(nx - cellGeo.get(parent).get("x")); c.getGeometry().setY(brotherMaxY); graphModel.setGeometry(c, (mxGeometry) c.getGeometry().clone()); addMoved(movedSet, movedMap, c, d); putCellGeo(c, nx, cellGeo.get(parent).get("y") + brotherMaxY); endX = cellGeo.get(c).get("x") + c.getGeometry().getWidth(); endY = cellGeo.get(c).get("y") + c.getGeometry().getHeight(); endY = resize(parent, endX, endY); if (distToMaxX.get(d) < endX) { updateDistToMaxX(distToMaxX, movedSet, movedMap, d, maxD, endX); } maxY = Math.max(maxY, endY); } } } } for (mxCell c : resources) { for (mxCell cc : dotEdges.get(c)) { for (Map.Entry<mxCell, Set<mxCell>> entry : dotEdges.entrySet()) { mxCell u = entry.getKey(); for (mxCell v : entry.getValue()) { if ((c == u && cc == v) || (c == v && cc == u)) { continue; } double []posC = {cellGeo.get(c).get("x") + c.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(c).get("y") + c.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; double []posCC = {cellGeo.get(cc).get("x") + cc.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(cc).get("y") + cc.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; double []posU = {cellGeo.get(u).get("x") + u.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(u).get("y") + u.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; double []posV = {cellGeo.get(v).get("x") + v.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(v).get("y") + v.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; if (isStraightLine(posC, posCC, posU, posV)) { c.getGeometry().setX(c.getGeometry().getX() + SHIFT); cellGeo.get(c).replace("x", cellGeo.get(c).get("x")); cc.getGeometry().setX(cc.getGeometry().getX() + SHIFT); cellGeo.get(cc).replace("x", cellGeo.get(cc).get("x") + SHIFT); graphModel.setGeometry(c, c.getGeometry()); graphModel.setGeometry(cc, cc.getGeometry()); } } } } } for (int i : order) { mxCell cur = paths.get(i).get(1); List<mxCell> ecs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j : cellToPathIndex.get(cur)) { if (!ecs.contains(paths.get(j).get(0)) && cur == paths.get(j).get(1)) { ecs.add(paths.get(j).get(0)); } } double centerY = cellGeo.get(cur).get("y") + cur.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; double y = 0; if (ecs.size() % 2 != 0) { y = centerY - ecs.size()*HEIGHT / 2 - ((ecs.size() - 1) / 2)*SPACE; } else { y = centerY - ecs.size()*HEIGHT / 2 - (ecs.size() - 1)*SPACE / 2; } for (int j : order) { mxCell other = paths.get(j).get(0); if (ecs.contains(other)) { continue; } } for (mxCell ec : ecs) { ec.getGeometry().setY(y); graphModel.setGeometry(ec, ec.getGeometry()); cellGeo.get(ec).replace("y", y); y += HEIGHT + SPACE; } } List<mxCell> sortedEcs = new ArrayList<>(); Set<mxCell> usedEcs = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < eventChannels.size(); i++) { mxCell minEc = movedMap.get(0).get(0); double ecMinY = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (mxCell ec : movedMap.get(0)) { if (usedEcs.contains(ec)) { continue; } if (cellGeo.get(ec).get("y") < ecMinY) { minEc = ec; ecMinY = cellGeo.get(ec).get("y"); } } sortedEcs.add(minEc); usedEcs.add(minEc); } for (int i = 1; i < sortedEcs.size(); i++) { mxCell cur = sortedEcs.get(i); mxCell pre = sortedEcs.get(i - 1); if (cellGeo.get(cur).get("y") < cellGeo.get(pre).get("y") + pre.getGeometry().getHeight() + SPACE) { double dy = cellGeo.get(pre).get("y") + pre.getGeometry().getHeight() + SPACE - cellGeo.get(cur).get("y"); cur.getGeometry().setY(cur.getGeometry().getY() + dy); cellGeo.get(cur).replace("y", cellGeo.get(cur).get("y") + dy); graphModel.setGeometry(cur, cur.getGeometry()); } } } public void layout2(mxCell s) { Set<mxCell> movedSet = new HashSet<>(); Map<Integer, List<mxCell>> movedMap = new TreeMap<>(); Map<Integer, Double> distToMaxX = new HashMap<>(); double maxY = 0; int maxD = 0; putCellGeo(s, 0, 0); for (mxCell c : cells) { maxD = Math.max(maxD, vertexToDepths.get(c).get(1)); } distToMaxX.put(-1, 0.0); for (int d = 0; d <= maxD; d++) { movedMap.put(d, new ArrayList<>()); distToMaxX.put(d, -1.0); } for (int i : order) { double centerY = -1; for (int j = 0; j < paths.get(i).size(); j++) { mxCell cur = paths.get(i).get(j); if (movedSet.contains(cur)) { continue; } int d = vertexToDepths.get(cur).get(0); double x = distToMaxX.get(d - 1) + MOVE_X; double endX = 0; double endY = 0; if (roots.contains(cur) || eventChannels.contains(cur)) { if (centerY == -1) { centerY = maxY + MOVE_Y + cur.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; } double y = centerY - cur.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; double ny = y; double nx = x; cur.getGeometry().setX(nx); cur.getGeometry().setY(ny); endX = nx + cur.getGeometry().getWidth(); endY = ny + cur.getGeometry().getHeight(); putCellGeo(cur, nx, ny); addMoved(movedSet, movedMap, cur, d); graphModel.setGeometry(cur, (mxGeometry) cur.getGeometry().clone()); if (distToMaxX.get(d) < endX) { updateDistToMaxX(distToMaxX, movedSet, movedMap, d, maxD, endX); } maxY = Math.max(maxY, endY); for (mxCell c : orderInResourceHierarchy.get(cur)) { d = vertexToDepths.get(c).get(0); nx = x; mxCell parent = (mxCell) graphModel.getParent(c); if (d == vertexToDepths.get(parent).get(0)) { nx = cellGeo.get(parent).get("x") + MARGIN_WIDTH; } else { nx = distToMaxX.get(d - 1) + MOVE_X; } double brotherMaxY = MOVE_Y; for (int k = 0; k < graphModel.getChildCount(parent); k++) { mxCell child = (mxCell) graphModel.getChildAt(parent, k); if (child == c) { continue; } if (movedSet.contains(child) && (vertexToDepths.get(child).get(0) <= d && d <= vertexToDepths.get(child).get(1))) { brotherMaxY = Math.max(brotherMaxY, child.getGeometry().getY() + child.getGeometry().getHeight() + SPACE); } } c.getGeometry().setX(nx - cellGeo.get(parent).get("x")); c.getGeometry().setY(brotherMaxY); graphModel.setGeometry(c, (mxGeometry) c.getGeometry().clone()); addMoved(movedSet, movedMap, c, d); putCellGeo(c, nx, cellGeo.get(parent).get("y") + brotherMaxY); endX = cellGeo.get(c).get("x") + c.getGeometry().getWidth(); endY = cellGeo.get(c).get("y") + c.getGeometry().getHeight(); endY = resize(parent, endX, endY); if (distToMaxX.get(d) < endX) { updateDistToMaxX(distToMaxX, movedSet, movedMap, d, maxD, endX); } maxY = Math.max(maxY, endY); } } if (channels.contains(cur)) { mxCell pre = paths.get(i).get(j - 1); centerY = cellGeo.get(pre).get("y") + pre.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; double y = centerY - cur.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; cur.getGeometry().setX(x); cur.getGeometry().setY(y); endX = x + cur.getGeometry().getWidth(); endY = y + cur.getGeometry().getHeight(); putCellGeo(cur, x, y); addMoved(movedSet, movedMap, cur, d); graphModel.setGeometry(cur, (mxGeometry) cur.getGeometry().clone()); if (distToMaxX.get(d) < endX) { updateDistToMaxX(distToMaxX, movedSet, movedMap, d, maxD, endX); } maxY = Math.max(maxY, endY); } } } for (mxCell c : resources) { for (mxCell cc : dotEdges.get(c)) { for (Map.Entry<mxCell, Set<mxCell>> entry : dotEdges.entrySet()) { mxCell u = entry.getKey(); for (mxCell v : entry.getValue()) { if ((c == u && cc == v) || (c == v && cc == u)) { continue; } double []posC = {cellGeo.get(c).get("x") + c.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(c).get("y") + c.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; double []posCC = {cellGeo.get(cc).get("x") + cc.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(cc).get("y") + cc.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; double []posU = {cellGeo.get(u).get("x") + u.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(u).get("y") + u.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; double []posV = {cellGeo.get(v).get("x") + v.getGeometry().getWidth() / 2, cellGeo.get(v).get("y") + v.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2}; if (isStraightLine(posC, posCC, posU, posV)) { c.getGeometry().setX(c.getGeometry().getX() + SHIFT); cellGeo.get(c).replace("x", cellGeo.get(c).get("x")); cc.getGeometry().setX(cc.getGeometry().getX() + SHIFT); cellGeo.get(cc).replace("x", cellGeo.get(cc).get("x") + SHIFT); graphModel.setGeometry(c, c.getGeometry()); graphModel.setGeometry(cc, cc.getGeometry()); } } } } } for (int i : order) { mxCell cur = paths.get(i).get(1); List<mxCell> ecs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j : cellToPathIndex.get(cur)) { if (!ecs.contains(paths.get(j).get(0)) && cur == paths.get(j).get(1)) { ecs.add(paths.get(j).get(0)); } } double centerY = cellGeo.get(cur).get("y") + cur.getGeometry().getHeight() / 2; double y = 0; if (ecs.size() % 2 != 0) { y = centerY - ecs.size()*HEIGHT / 2 - ((ecs.size() - 1) / 2)*SPACE; } else { y = centerY - ecs.size()*HEIGHT / 2 - (ecs.size() - 1)*SPACE / 2; } for (int j : order) { mxCell other = paths.get(j).get(0); if (ecs.contains(other)) { continue; } } for (mxCell ec : ecs) { ec.getGeometry().setY(y); graphModel.setGeometry(ec, ec.getGeometry()); cellGeo.get(ec).replace("y", y); y += HEIGHT + SPACE; } } List<mxCell> sortedEcs = new ArrayList<>(); Set<mxCell> usedEcs = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < eventChannels.size(); i++) { mxCell minEc = movedMap.get(0).get(0); double ecMinY = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (mxCell ec : movedMap.get(0)) { if (usedEcs.contains(ec)) { continue; } if (cellGeo.get(ec).get("y") < ecMinY) { minEc = ec; ecMinY = cellGeo.get(ec).get("y"); } } sortedEcs.add(minEc); usedEcs.add(minEc); } for (int i = 1; i < sortedEcs.size(); i++) { mxCell cur = sortedEcs.get(i); mxCell pre = sortedEcs.get(i - 1); if (cellGeo.get(cur).get("y") < cellGeo.get(pre).get("y") + pre.getGeometry().getHeight() + SPACE) { double dy = cellGeo.get(pre).get("y") + pre.getGeometry().getHeight() + SPACE - cellGeo.get(cur).get("y"); cur.getGeometry().setY(cur.getGeometry().getY() + dy); cellGeo.get(cur).replace("y", cellGeo.get(cur).get("y") + dy); graphModel.setGeometry(cur, cur.getGeometry()); } } } public void putCellGeo(mxCell c, double x, double y) { cellGeo.put(c, new HashMap<>()); cellGeo.get(c).put("x", x); cellGeo.get(c).put("y", y); } public void addMoved(Set<mxCell> ms, Map<Integer, List<mxCell>> mm, mxCell c, int d) { ms.add(c); mm.get(d).add(c); } public boolean isStraightLine(double []u1, double []v1, double []u2, double []v2) { double gradient1 = 0; double length1 = Math.pow(u1[0] - v1[0], 2) + Math.pow(u1[1] - v1[1], 2); double gradient2 = 0; double length2 = Math.pow(u2[0] - v2[0], 2) + Math.pow(u2[1] - v2[1], 2); boolean isVertical = false; if (u1[0] == v1[0]) { isVertical = true; } else { gradient1 = (u1[1] - v1[1]) / (u1[0] - v1[0]); } if (isVertical) { if (u2[0] != v2[0]) { return false; } else { gradient2 = (u2[1] - v2[1]) / (u2[0] - v2[0]); } } else { if (gradient1 - gradient2 > delta) { return false; } } double [][]a = {u1, v1}; double [][]b = {u2, v2}; double maxLength = 0; for (double []c1 : a) { for (double []c2 : b) { double gradient3 = 0; double length3 = Math.pow(c1[0] - c2[0], 2) + Math.pow(c1[1] - c2[1], 2); if(isVertical) { if (c1[0] == c2[0]) { maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, length3); } else { return false; } } else { if (c1[0] == c2[0]) { return false; } else { gradient3 = (c2[1] - c1[1]) / (c2[0] - c1[0]); if (gradient1 - gradient3 > delta) { return false; } maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, length3); } } } } if (length1 + length2 < maxLength) { return false; } else { return true; } } public boolean cellOverlap(double ax, double ay, double aw, double ah, double bx, double by, double bw, double bh) { if (((ax <= bx) && (bx <= ax + aw)) || ((bx <= ax) && (ax <= bx + bw))) { if (((ay <= by) && (by <= ay + ah)) || ((by <= ay) && (ay <= by + bh))) { return true; } } return false; } public void updateDistToMaxX(Map<Integer, Double> distToMaxX, Set<mxCell> movedSet, Map<Integer, List<mxCell>> movedMap, int d, int md, double endX) { double preEndX = distToMaxX.get(d); distToMaxX.replace(d, endX); for (int i = d + 1; i <= md; i++) { if (distToMaxX.get(i) == -1) { distToMaxX.replace(i, endX); } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<mxCell>> entry : movedMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() <= d) { continue; } for (mxCell cell : entry.getValue()) { double newX = cellGeo.get(cell).get("x") + endX - preEndX; mxCell cp = (mxCell) cell.getParent(); relocateX(cell, newX, cellGeo.get(cp).get("x")); if (!(roots.contains(cell) || channels.contains(cell))) { mxCell ancestor = (mxCell) graphModel.getParent(cell); resize(ancestor, cellGeo.get(cell).get("x") + cell.getGeometry().getWidth(), cellGeo.get(cell).get("y") + cell.getGeometry().getHeight()); } if (distToMaxX.get(entry.getKey()) < cellGeo.get(cell).get("x") + cell.getGeometry().getWidth()) { distToMaxX.replace(entry.getKey(), cellGeo.get(cell).get("x") + cell.getGeometry().getWidth()); for (int i = entry.getKey() + 1; i <= md; i++) { if (distToMaxX.get(i) == -1) { distToMaxX.replace(i, cellGeo.get(cell).get("x") + cell.getGeometry().getWidth()); } } } } } } public double resize(mxCell ancestor, double endX, double endY) { while (true) { boolean isChanging = false; if (ancestor.getGeometry().getWidth() < endX - cellGeo.get(ancestor).get("x") + MARGIN_WIDTH) { ancestor.getGeometry().setWidth(endX - cellGeo.get(ancestor).get("x") + MARGIN_WIDTH); isChanging = true; } if (ancestor.getGeometry().getHeight() < endY - cellGeo.get(ancestor).get("y") + MARGIN_HEIGHT) { ancestor.getGeometry().setHeight(endY - cellGeo.get(ancestor).get("y") + MARGIN_HEIGHT); isChanging = true; } if (isChanging) { graphModel.setGeometry(ancestor, ancestor.getGeometry()); } endX = cellGeo.get(ancestor).get("x") + ancestor.getGeometry().getWidth(); endY = cellGeo.get(ancestor).get("y") + ancestor.getGeometry().getHeight(); if (roots.contains(ancestor)) { break; } ancestor = (mxCell) ancestor.getParent(); } return endY; } public void relocateX(mxCell c, double nx, double dx) { c.getGeometry().setX(nx - dx); graphModel.setGeometry(c, (mxGeometry) c.getGeometry().clone()); cellGeo.get(c).replace("x", nx); } }