- <resources>
- <!--
- TODO: Before you run your application, you need a Google Maps API key.
- To get one, follow this link, follow the directions and press "Create" at the end:
- https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=maps_android_backend&keyType=CLIENT_SIDE_ANDROID&r=E5:1C:96:06:C0:EF:6F:59:A9:05:FE:C5:75:FE:44:15:72:39:DB:8A%3Borg.ntlab.amaryllis.client
- You can also add your credentials to an existing key, using these values:
- Package name:
- org.ntlab.amaryllis.client
- SHA-1 certificate fingerprint:
- E5:1C:96:06:C0:EF:6F:59:A9:05:FE:C5:75:FE:44:15:72:39:DB:8A
- Alternatively, follow the directions here:
- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/start#get-key
- Once you have your key (it starts with "AIza"), replace the "google_maps_key"
- string in this file.
- -->
- <string name="google_maps_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false">AIzaSyDSlrIzdvRq30wTpmbT1tY-61i-E-5qk8k</string>
- </resources>