History for OverlayMultiCounter / app / src / main / kotlin / jackall / overlaymulticounter / service / MainService.kt
[add] Overlay ad of banner
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 10 Nov 2017
[add] Main view model, Update Counter UI
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 10 Nov 2017
[clean] Indent
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 10 Nov 2017
[add] Edit counter title
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 9 Nov 2017
[add] Overlay Counter
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 9 Nov 2017
[add] Counter view to finish and minimization
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 8 Nov 2017
[add] Overlay counter view
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 8 Nov 2017
[add] Overlay move view
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 8 Nov 2017
[add] Main service class
MatsumotoKeiju committed on 8 Nov 2017