History for MonCalc / app / src / main / kotlin
[add] argument to AdSize
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] MainActivity ads
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] Ad Util
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] overlay ads
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] Mobile Ads SDK
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] Ad UnitId
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[update] create dummy data
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] valueLinePart setter
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] get laps of temple per day
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[fix] fruit percentage
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] Launch MainActivity from notification
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] Update UI with notification of data change
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] notification enum class
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] grade 1 percentage
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] RxBus
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] grade percentage
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] create dummy data
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[update] grade order
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] update ui
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] NaN
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] analysis today and week
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] all fruit percentage
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] sort items
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] analysis fruit
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] grade 1 percentage
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] percentage of fruit grade
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] grade 1 percentage
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] analysis temple
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[clean] remove println
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[add] multiple registrations
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017