History for MonCalc / app / src / main / res
[update] ui
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 7 Nov 2017
[add] luncher icon and notification icon
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[update] tab height and start service button height
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] History rectangle ads
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] MainActivity ads
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[add] overlay ads
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[fix] scroll recyclerView
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 Nov 2017
[update] history ui
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] update ui
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[fix] NaN
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] analysis today and week
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] Tab shadow
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] analysis fruit
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] percentage of fruit grade
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 Nov 2017
[add] analysis temple
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[add] multiple registrations
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[add] analysis temple
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[add] analysis tab
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[add] オーバーレイ表示の動かすViewのUI
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[clean] move from fragment to viewmodel
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[add] 履歴一覧
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 Nov 2017
[add] HistoryFragmentのViewModel
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[update] stringをリソースから読み込み
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[add] 履歴,解析のタブ
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[add] serviceを開始、終了するボタン
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[add] lifecycleObserver, ViewModel, ViewModelProvidersに対応したMainActivity
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[clean] rename to activity_main to activity_test
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[clean] rename to MainActivity to TestActivity
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[add] オーバーレイ表示に共通する部分のViewModel
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017
[add] custom spinner ui
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 3 Nov 2017