History for DevAndroid / app / src / main / java
Removed log
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 24 May 2018
Added show toast
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 24 May 2018
Removed log
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 22 May 2018
Updated run on main thread
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 22 May 2018
Updated specify thread
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 22 May 2018
Added waiting process using rx
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 22 May 2018
Added waiting process using coroutine
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 22 May 2018
Added waiting process using CountDownLatch
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 22 May 2018
Added asyncTask, coroutine, flowable
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 21 May 2018
Added component related to async
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 21 May 2018
Added main ui
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 21 May 2018
Updated file name
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 21 May 2018
Fixed search for invalid postal code
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 20 May 2018
Added search postal code
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 18 May 2018
Updated addDisposable method to protected
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 18 May 2018
Added clear disposable object to BaseViewModel
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 18 May 2018
Added address entity mapper
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 May 2018
Added postal code api
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 6 May 2018
Added single live event
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 May 2018
Added lifecycle event to BaseViewModel
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 May 2018
Added holding current activity
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 May 2018
Updated main screen using dagger
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 May 2018
Added dagger module
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 5 May 2018
Added main screen using databinding
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 May 2018
Added application class
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 May 2018
Added project
KeijuMatsumoto committed on 4 May 2018